Proposed Insertion Order API V4



This is a preview and draft version of the Proposed IO API v4. This document is subject to change as the implementation is completed, and will be updated accordingly.


Proposal capability in MRM is enabled through a Network Function. Contact your account manager if you are interested in this functionality. Proposed IOs act as organizational groups of Proposed Placements.

You can use this API to:

  • List Proposed Insertion Orders
  • Create a Proposed Insertion Order
  • Update a Proposed Insertion Order
  • Show information about a Proposed Insertion Order
  • List Proposed Placements of a Proposed Insertion Order





NameTypeDescriptionCreatable?Updatable?Included in basic GET?
idFW_IDProposed Insertion Order idNoNoYes
external_idStringThe external ID of the Proposed Insertion OrderRequiredYesYes
nameStringProposed Insertion Order nameRequiredYesYes
descriptionStringOrder descriptionYesYesYes
scheduleCustom Data TypeA set of IO start time, end time, and timezoneNoNoYes
deliveryCustom Data TypeThe delivery info of the Proposed Insertion OrderYesYesNo
budgetCustom Data TypeThe budget of the Proposed Insertion OrderYesYesNo
brand_idFW_IDThe Brand ID of the advertiserYesYesYes
assignmentsCustom Data TypeUsers assigned to the Proposed Insertion OrderYesYesNo
created_atDateTimeTime when the IO is createdNoNoYes
updated_atDateTimeTime when the IO is updated most recentlyNoNoYes
probability_of_closeInteger [0, 100]The probability of close of the contractYesYesYes
proposed_io_status['PROPOSED', 'COMPLETED', 'LOST']

Defaults to "PROPOSED"
Status of the Proposed Insertion OrderNoYesYes

Schedule Attributes - Child Attributes

The date/time format should follow the ISO-8061 format in UTC timezone for create requests, update requests and get responses; for example: 2018-01-20T13:00:00Z.

start_timeDateTimeThe start time of the IONoNo
end_timeDateTimeThe end time of the IONoNo
time_zoneStringThe time zone of the IONoNoSee a list of valid time zones.

Delivery Attributes - Child Attributes

frequency_capsSet of Frequency Cap AttributesA set of frequency caps. For each frequency cap you must have a value, type, scope, and period.YesYesOnly 3 frequency caps are supported at most.

Frequency Cap Attributes - Child Attributes

valueIntegerThe cap valueRequiredRequired
typeEnum['IMPRESSION', 'PACKAGE']RequiredRequired
scopeEnum['TIME', 'STREAM', 'CAMPAIGN', 'ASSET', 'SITE_SECTION']RequiredRequired
periodIntegerThe cap period valueRequiredRequiredValid and required only when scope == 'TIME'

Budget Attributes - Child Attributes

budget_model['CURRENCY_TARGET', 'IMPRESSION_TARGET', 'EVERGREEN']Budget model of the IORequiredRequiredEVERGREEN is GET only
currencyFloatThe currency goal of the insertion orderRequiredRequiredValid and required only when budget_model == 'CURRENCY_TARGET'
impressionIntegerThe impression goal of the insertion orderRequiredRequiredValid and required only when budget_model == 'IMPRESSION_TARGET'
over_deliveryFloatThe over delivery amount percentageYesYesValid only when budget_model == 'CURRENCY_TARGET' or 'IMPRESSION_TARGET'. When no custom value is set, we'll return the network default value and the over_delivery_type will be DEFAULT.
over_delivery_type['CUSTOM', 'DEFAULT']The over delivery type.YesYesValid only when budget_model == 'CURRENCY_TARGET' or 'IMPRESSION_TARGET'. In Create/Update request, when over_delivery_type = 'DEFAULT', any given over_delivery value is ignored.

Assignments Attributes - Child Attributes

usersSet of Users AttributesUsers assigned to the Insertion OrderYesYes

Users Attributes - Child Attributes

idFW_IDUser idRequiredRequired
full_nameStringUser full name. Only return in GET action, PUT/POST will ignore it if passedNoNoGet only attribute
loginStringUser login name. Only return in GET action, PUT/POST will ignore it if passedNoNoGet only attribute