AutoScheduler Output

The output of AutoScheduler is a JSON file specifying which inventory should be used to deliver the split-avail placements. The output is posted to your API automatically after the AutoScheduler run completes.

{"lines": [
        { // For the broadcast week of 2021-01-04, 2 30s spots from syscode 0354 on HGTV in midnight (0-2 AM) should be used to deliver split avail placements, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday
            "bCastWeek": 202102,
            "dateRange": {
                "startDate": "2021-01-04",
                "endDate": "2021-01-10"
            "dayPart": {
                "monday": false,
                "tuesday": false,
                "wednesday": false,
                "thursday": false,
                "friday": false,
                "saturday": true,
                "sunday": true,
                "daypartTimeRange": {
                    "startTime": {
                        "hours": 0,
                        "minutes": 0
                    "endTime": {
                        "hours": 2,
                        "minutes": 0
            "sysCode": "0354",
            "networkCode": "HGTV",
            "quantity": 2,
            "spotCost": 0,
            "priority": 0,
            "duration": 30,
            "dailyQty": {
                "mondayQty": 0,
                "tuesdayQty": 0,
                "wednesdayQty": 0,
                "thursdayQty": 0,
                "fridayQty": 0,
                "saturdayQty": 1,
                "sundayQty": 1