
Deal JSON Fields

PropertyDescriptionTypeOptional on Creation?
nameThe deal nameString(100)No
public-idThe deal id shared with commercial partnersString(50)Yes

If not provided, a new one is generated.
start-dateThe beginning date of the deal proposed to buyersDate in YYYYMMDD formatNo
end-dateThe ending date of the deal proposed to buyersDate in YYYYMMDD formatYes

Default is null: the deal will never expire.
fixed-price-cpmThe cpm to paid when a bid responds to this deal.

This corresponds to an auction type 3 in the openRTB standard, if set-floor-price-policy and advertiser-floor-price should not be sent.
String with dot as decimal separator to avoid conversion issuesYes

Default is null. If fixed-price-cpm is filled, floor-price-policy and advertiser-floor-price is ignored. (Floor-price-policy is none.)
floor-price-policyThe floor price policy that applies when responding to this deal.

Possible values are:

  • none: (no floor price applies)

  • publisher-side: the floor price of the current zone applies
  • advertiser-side: the advertiser floor price configured in the deal applies to the bid price

  • both-side: the floor price is check both at publisher-side and advertiser-side levels

The value both-side is not allowed if the AdNetwork module is disabled.

Default is publisher-side: no floor price is applies on the bid prices.
advertiser-floor-priceThe minimum CPM (in EUR) the publisher allows when responding to this dealString with dot as decimal separator to avoid conversion issuesMust be set only if the floor-price-policy is advertiser-side or both-side and the fixed-price-cpm is not set.
show-domainThe show domain policy for bidders.

Possible values are:

  • SHOW:t he domain of the page hosting the player is shown

  • FORCE: the domain configured for the site is shown
  • HIDE: nothing is sent to bidders

  • "DEFAULT : the publisher configuration will apply

bid-priorityThe priority policy of bid responding to this deal.

Possible values are:

  • same-as-buyer: if the deal does not impact the priority

  • first-look: if the bid becomes top priority
  • remnant: if the bid has the lowest priority

  • buyer-group-number: if the priority is manually defined

buyer-group-numberThe overloaded priority of the bid responding to this dealIntegerMust be set only if the bid-priority is buyer-group-number.
activation-conditionA boolean expression a request must fulfill in order to be eligible for the deal.

See Allowed filters below.
target-buyersThe list of buyer ids that can respond to the dealArray of integersYes

If no target-* is set, the deal applies to all bidders participating to the auction.

Buyers must be of type openRTB.

Buyers must be able to accept audio when an audio deal is created.
pausedA flag indicating if the deal is pausedBooleanYes

Default is false.
priorityThe deal application order. Lowest is tried first. When a deal is created, the new deal is added at the bottom of the list: with a lower priority than any previously created deal.IntegerRead Only

Default: current higher value + 1.
is-lastFlag indicating if other deals can apply after this one has been appliedIntegerRead Only

Default is 0.

Default is null.
max-ad-durationThe maximum duration in seconds the deal allows for an ad. Zero value indicates that no limitation will be applied.IntegerYes

Default is null.
seatsThe seats of biddersArray of StringOnly for displaying in detail and list api
creator_idThe SFX user ID of the deal creatorIntegerOnly for displaying in Detail and List API.

Default is -1 if unknown.
creator_nameThe SFX user name of deal creatorStringOnly for displaying in Detail and List API.

Default is empty string if unknown.
create_atThe date and time when the deal was createdDate string using IOS format , e.g., 2019-11-26T10:04:35+0100Only for displaying in Detail and List API.

It doesn't appear if unknown.
update_atThe last time the deal was updatedDate string using IOS format , e.g., 2019-11-26T10:04:35+0100Only for displaying in Detail and List API.

It doesn't appear if unknown.
ad-typeDefines the ad type for this site:
  • 0 for video

  • 1 for audio

Audio support module is required when creating audio inventory.

(Default is 0, video)

Allowed filters for "activation-condition"

  • ZoneDevice
  • Client_Device
  • Site_Variable
  • Ad_Duration
  • ZoneType
  • Publisher
  • Zone
  • Client_Browser
  • Domain
  • Client_OperatingSystem
  • Site
  • Pageurl
  • Geo_CountryId