List Segments' Ingestion Status

Response Schema

lines_processed_countThe total number of raw lines that were processed. lines_failed_count and lines_succeeded_count add up to this value.
lines_failed_countThe total number of lines that had an error and were not processed. This value includes lines that failed due to line parsing errors.
lines_succeeded_countThe total number of lines that processed successfully.
unique_segments_countThe number of unique segments ingested.
lines_parsed_error_countThe number of lines that had an error when parsing the data. This number is part of lines_failed_count
invalid_user_ids_countThe number of lines that failed user ID validations. For example, an incorrectly formatted or unreachable IP address.
empty_line_error_countThe number of lines that were empty. This value is part of lines_parsed_error_count.
incorrect_field_format_error_countUser error: the data format expected a specific number of columns. This value is part of lines_parsed_error_count.
non_ascii_characters_error_countUser error: Non-ascii characters are not accepted. This value is part of lines_parsed_error_count.
incorrect_delimiter_error_countUser error: incorrect delimiter was used. For example, sending pipes but the file is named "csv". This value is part of lines_parsed_error_count.
missing_segments_field_error_countUser error: the number of fields was correct, but a required field was empty. This value is part of lines_parsed_error_count.
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