Marketplace Supply Source Package API V4


The Marketplace Supply Source Package API allows Marketplace buyers to retrieve basic information from Supply Source Packages within their networks. The queried Supply Source Packages consist of Purchased Inventory Orders and Inventory Split Orders. The basic information returned includes package IDs and names essential for package trafficking with Placement API v3.

Users can leverage this API to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Retrieve a list of supply source packages belonging to the current network
  • Retrieve IDs, names, statuses, times of creation, and times of last updated time of listed supply source packages
  • Query the supply source package list by name, status, and last updated time
  • Sort the supply source package list by last updated time



This API is only available for Marketplace buyers. To enable Marketplace, contact your account representative.



Production Instance{param1}={query1}&...
Staging Instance{param1}={query1}&...

Query Parameters



Parameters and values are case-sensitive.

namestringSpecify filtering criteria by supply source package name. This parameter can match a name composed of continuous characters with specified strings. Maximum character length is 255.

For example, a request containing ?name=STB retrieves a list of all supply source packages whose names contain the characters STB, like STBVOD package or Linear STB package.
statusEnumSpecify filtering criteria by supply source package status.

Valid values:
updated_atstringUse the following syntax to filter supply source packages by last updated time:
  • At or earlier an updated timestamp: prefix an ellipsis (..) to the timestamp. E.g. updated_at=..2023-03-01T13:47:00Z
  • At or later an updated timestamp: append an ellipsis (..) to the timestamp. E.g. updated_at=2023-03-01T13:47:00Z..
  • A closed interval period: put an ellipsis (..) between two timestamps. E.g. updated_at=2023-03-01T00:00:00Z..2023-03-31T23:59:59Z

Use the following syntax to sort the list of supply source packages by the last updated time:
  • In ascending order: no prefix to the updated_at parameter. E.g. updated_at=..2021-03-01T13:47:00Z
  • In descending order: prefix a minus (-) to the updated_at parameter . E.g. -updated_at=..2021-03-01T13:47:00Z
pageint32Specifies the number of pages in the returned list.
Default value = 1
Maximum value = 1000
per_pageint32Specifies the number of items to show on each page.
Default value = 20
Valid value range = 5-50

Response Schema

idFW_IDThe ID of a supply source package
nameStringThe name of a supply source package
statusEnumThe status of a supply source package.

Valid values:
created_atTimeThe creation time of a supply source package
updated_atTimeThe last updated time of a supply source package