Programmatic Client Creative API V4


The Programmatic Client Creative API enables you to interact with client creatives associated with demand partners programmatic creatives in the Programmatic Creative Library outside of MRM.

With the Programmatic Creative Client API, you can:

  • Get Client Creatives
  • Create Client Creatives
  • Update Client Creatives
  • Delete Client Creatives

Create / Update (POST/PUT)

  • For creating a client creative, both the universal ad id/registry as a query param in the url and a client creative object in the body are required.
  • For CREATE, all fields on the client creative are required. See Client Creative Object below.
  • For UPDATE, only one of the fields on the client creative object is required.

Get / Delete (GET/DEL)

  • For GET and DELETE, only the universal ad id/registry is required as a query param in the url in order to find the proper client creative to retrieve/delete.

Customers who use FreeWheel JITT can also upload a single mezzanine rendition for transcoding.

To find out more about client creatives and programmatic, contact your account team.

Client Creative Object

nameString"my client creative"creative name
universal_ad_idUniversal Ad ID Object"universal_ad_id": {
"id": "ABC/ABCD123/456",
"registry": "Clearcast"
universal ad id value and the registry
renditionsArray of Rendition Objects"renditions":[
"external_id": "myrend1",
"content_type": "video/mp4",
"width": 1024,
"height": 768,
"bitrate": 2000,
"uri": ""
rendition urls

Rendition Object

FieldTypeExample ValueDescription
external idString"my creative rendition"External identifier of the media, if applicable. In most cases, leave blank.
content_typeStringBy default, if this field is left blank, or has the value "auto", the content type of the media will be auto detected. If provided, the provided content type will take precedence over the auto detected content type.
widthInteger123Width of the creative, in pixels. Auto detected by default. If provided, the provided value will take precedence.
heightInteger123Height of the creative, in pixels. Auto detected by default. If provided, the provided value will take precedence.
bitrateInteger499Bitrate of the creative, if applicable. Auto detected by default. If provided, the provided value will take precedence.
URI of the rendition. The URI that can be used to traffic the creative rendition.