JUMP TOAdvertiser API V3Advertiser API V3List AdvertisersgetCreate an AdvertiserpostUpdate Basic AdvertiserputShow an AdvertisergetActivate an AdvertiserputDeactivate an AdvertiserputAdd Advertiser RelationshipsputActivate Advertiser RelationshipsputDeactivate Advertiser RelationshipsputList the Brands of an AdvertisergetAd Unit Node API V3Ad Unit Node API V3List Ad Unit NodesgetShow an Ad Unit NodegetUpdate an Ad Unit NodeputActivate an Ad Unit NodeputDeactivate an Ad Unit NodeputLink Creative/Update Linked Creative StatuspostGet a Linked CreativegetList All Linked CreativesgetAgency API V3Agency API V3List AgenciesgetCreate an AgencypostUpdate Basic AgencyputShow an AgencygetActivate an AgencyputDeactivate an AgencyputAdd Agency RelationshipsputActivate Agency RelationshipsputDeactivate Agency RelationshipsputAudience Item API V3Audience Item API V3Show an Audience ItemgetCreate an Audience ItempostUpdate an Audience ItemputAutoScheduler APIAutoScheduler APITrigger RungetPost Linear OrderspostBreak Capacity File UploadAutoScheduler Linear Order IntegrationAutoScheduler OutputBrand API V3Brand API V3Show a BrandgetList BrandsgetCreate a BrandpostUpdate a BrandputDelete a BranddeleteCampaign API V3Campaign API V3List CampaignsgetCreate a CampaignpostUpdate a CampaignputShow a CampaigngetDelete a CampaigndeleteList Insertion Orders of a CampaigngetContent Package API V3Content Package API V3List Content PackagesgetShow a Content PackagegetCreate a Content PackagepostUpdate a Content PackageputInsertion Order API V3Insertion Order API V3List Insertion OrdersgetCreate an Insertion OrderpostUpdate an Insertion OrderputDelete an Insertion OrderdeleteShow an Insertion OrdergetList Placements of the Insertion OrdergetBook an Insertion OrderputUnbook an Insertion OrderputPropose an Insertion OrderputPlacement API V3Placement API V3List PlacementsgetCreate a PlacementpostUpdate a PlacementputShow a PlacementgetDelete a PlacementdeleteActivate a PlacementputDeactivate a PlacementputCancel a PlacementputValidations/Error MessagesAd Creative Scheduling API v4Ad Creative Scheduling API v4Get an Ad's Creative SchedulinggetUpdate an Ad's Creatives SchedulingputValidations/Error MessagesAd Unit API v4Ad Unit API V4Ad UnitList Standard and Custom Ad UnitsgetShow Standard and Custom Ad UnitsgetAd Unit PackageList Ad Unit PackagesgetShow Ad Unit PackagegetAiring API V4Airing API V4Retrieve SchedulesgetList External Airing IDsgetAudience Definition API V4Audience Definition API V4List Audience Definitions by NetworkgetRetrieve Audience Definition by IDgetCreate Audience DefinitionpostUpdate Audience DefinitionputRemove Audience DefinitiondeleteList Segments by Data ProvidergetList Segments by Data Provider Segment IDgetSearch Segments by NamegetRetrieve Segment by IDgetCount Segments by Data ProvidergetList Segments' Ingestion StatusgetAudience Item API V4Audience Item API V4List Audience ItemsgetCampaign API V4Campaign API V4List Proposed Insertion Orders within the current CampaigngetChannel API V4Channel List API V4Retrieve MRM Basic Infos of ChannelgetChannel Group API V4Channel Group List API V4Retrieve MRM Basic Infos of Channel GroupgetAllocation Open API V4Commitment API V4List CommitmentsgetCreate a CommitmentpostGet a CommitmentgetUpdate a CommitmentpatchActivate a CommitmentpostDeactivate a CommitmentpostContextual segments api v4Contextual Segments API V4List Contextual Segments of a VideogetAdd Contextual Segments to a VideoputCreative Instance API V4Creative Instance API V4Get a Creative InstancegetCreate a Creative InstancepostUpdate a Creative InstanceputDelete a Creative InstancedeleteActivate a Creative InstancepostDeactivate a Creative InstancepostValidationsCreative Instance Metrics API V4Creative Instance Metrics API V4Create a Creative MetricpostUpdate a Creative MetricputDelete a Creative MetricdeleteCreative Management API V4Creative Management API V4Create Creatives and RenditionspostUpdate Creatives and Renditions via Creative IDputUpdate Creatives and Renditions via External IDputShow Creatives and RenditionsgetList Creatives and RenditionsgetAppend RenditionspostUpdate Management RenditionsputDelete CreativesdeleteDelete Creative RenditionsdeleteValidations/Error HandlingForecasting API V4Forecasting API V4Forecasting AttributesNightly ForecastgetSimplified On-Demand ForecastpostSimplified On-Demand Result ForecastgetOn-Demand ForecastpostOn-Demand Result ForecastgetValidations/Error HandlingInventory Package API V4Inventory Package API V4Inventory Package API V4List Inventory PackagesgetCreate Inventory PackagepostRetrieve Inventory PackagegetUpdate Inventory PackageputActivate Inventory PackageputDeactivate Inventory PackageputValidations/Error HandlingMArketplace Creative API V4Marketplace Creative API V4Update Marketplace Exchange Programmatic CreativesputUpdate Marketplace Private Direct Sold CreativesputUpdate Marketplace Private Programmatic CreativesputMarketplace Inventory Split API V4Marketplace Inventory Split API V4List All Inventory SplitsgetMarketplace Inventory Split Orders API V4Marketplace Inventory Split Orders API V4List All Inventory Split OrdersgetList Inventory Split Orders with names containing “Order” and last updated time conditionsgetMarketplace Purchased Inventory Orders API V4Marketplace Purchased Inventory Orders API V4List All Purchased Inventory OrdersgetShow a Purchased Inventory OrdergetMarketplace Sold Inventory Orders APIMarketplace Sold Inventory API V4List All Sold Inventory OrdersgetList Sold Inventory Orders with names containing “Order” and last updated time conditionsgetShow a Sold Inventory OrdergetMarketplace Supply Source Package API V4Marketplace Supply Source Package API V4List All Supply Source PackagesgetPartner Tag Creative API V4Partner Tag Creative API V4List Partner Tag CreativesgetRetrieve Partner Tag CreativesgetUpdate Partner Tag CreativesputProgrammatic CreativesProgrammatic Creative API V4List Programmatic CreativesgetUpdate Programmatic CreativesputRetrieve Programmatic CreativesgetTranscode a Programmatic CreativepostList Programmatic Transcode Packages within the NetworkgetBatch Transcode Programmatic CreativespostProgrammatic Client Creative API V4Programmatic Client Creative API V4Show Client CreativesgetCreate Client CreativepostUpdate Client CreativeputDelete a Client CreativedeleteProgrammatic Deal Open APIProgrammatic Deal Open API V4List Data Protection PackagesgetList BuyersgetList DealsgetCreate a DealpostUpdate a DealpatchDeal Open List MethodsActivate a DealputDeactivate a DealputRetrieve a DealgetList Global AgenciesgetList Global AdvertisersgetList Global BrandsgetValidations/Error HandlingProgrammatic Deal ForecastingRetrieve a Nightly ForecastgetCreate an On-Demand ForecastpostRetrieve an On-Demand ForecastgetProposed Ad API V4Proposed Ad API V4Show Information about a Proposed AdgetCreate a Proposed AdpostUpdate a Proposed Ad - PartialpatchDelete a Proposed AddeleteProposed Insertion Order API V4Proposed Insertion Order API V4Show Information about a Proposed Insertion OrdergetList Proposed Insertion OrdersgetCreate a Proposed Insertion OrderpostUpdate a Proposed Insertion Order - PartialpatchList Proposed Placements within the Current Proposed Insertion OrdergetProposed Placement API V4Proposed Placement API V4List Proposed PlacementsgetShow Information about a Proposed PlacementgetCreate a Proposed PlacementpostUpdate a Proposed Placement - PartialpatchReporting APIAudience ReportingGet metrics by Audience Item ID or Audience Item NamegetGet metrics by Audience Segment Key-Value stringgetReporting JobGet job infogetSFX APIsSFX APIsSFX: Inbound APISFX: Inbound APICreate a PublisherpostUpdate a PublisherputRetrieve a PublishergetList PublishersgetSiteCreate a SitepostRetrieve a SitegetList SitesgetUpdate a SiteputZoneCreate a ZonepostRetrieve a ZonegetList ZonesgetUpdate a ZoneputTagCreate a TagpostRetrieve a TaggetList TagsgetUpdate a TagputDelete a TagdeleteBlocklistCreate a BlocklistpostRetrieve a Blocklist RulegetList Blocklist RulesgetUpdate Blocklist RulesputDelete Blocklist RulesdeleteDealCreate a DealpostRetrieve DealsgetList DealsgetUpdate a DealputAdvertiser SideList Product CategoriesgetList AdvertisersgetRetrieve an AdvertisergetRetrieve a BrandgetList BrandsgetBuyer SideList BuyersgetRetrieve an Insertion OrdergetCreate an Insertion OrderpostUpdate an Insertion OrderputList Insertion OrdersgetCreate a CampaignpostRetrieve a CampaigngetUpdate a CampaignputList CampaignsgetCreate AdpostList AdsgetUpdate an AdputRetrieve an AdgetAssociate Ad to ZonepostDe-Associate an Ad from a ZonegetRetrieve an AssociationgetContent Owner APICreate Content OwnerpostRetrieve a Content OwnergetList Content OwnersgetExport a Content OwnergetUpdate a Content OwnerputDelete a Content OwnerdeleteSFX: STATS APISTATS APIRetrieve Statistics for a Specific PublishergetRetrieve Statistics for Publishers on ExchangegetMake Asynchronous Requests for StatisticsgetDownload Schedule ReportsgetSFX: DMP APIData Management Platform (DMP) APICreate a SegmentpostRetrieve a SegmentgetList SegmentsgetDelete a SegmentdeleteSFX: DMP Populate APIData Management Platform (DMP) Populate APIPopulate user segmentsputOpt-out User SegmentsgetSFX: Deal Discovery APISFX: Deal Discovery APIRetrieve Active DealsgetSFX: Remote Campaign APISFX: Remote Campaign APIStart CampaignputStop a CampaignputRetrieve InformationgetRetrieve StatisticsgetSite API V4Site API V4List Parent Site GroupsgetUpdate Site And Parent Site Groups RelationshipputCreate a SitepostList SitesgetDelete a Parent Site GroupdeleteAdd a Parent Site GroupputShow a SitegetUpdate a SiteputList Child Site SectionsgetSite GroupDelete a Child Site GroupdeleteAdd a Child Site GroupputUpdate Site Group And Child Site Sections RelationshipputList Child Site SectionsgetList Child Site GroupsgetUpdate Site Group And Child Sites RelationshipputList Child SitesgetUpdate a Site GroupputShow a Site GroupgetAdd a Parent Site GroupputDelete a Parent Site GroupdeleteAdd a Child SiteputDelete a Child SitedeleteUpdate Site Group And Child Site Groups RelationshipputList Parent Site GroupsgetUpdate Site Group And Parent Site Groups RelationshipputList Site GroupsgetCreate a Site GrouppostAdd a Child Site SectionputDelete a Child Site SectiondeleteSite SectionList Site SectionsgetList Parent Site GroupsgetUpdate Site Section And Parent Site Group RelationshipputAdd a Parent Site GroupputDelete a Parent Site GroupdeleteShow a Site SectiongetUpdate a Site SectionputCreate a Site SectionpostStandard Attributes API V4Standard Attributes API V4List All Standard AttributesgetList App BundlesgetList AppsgetList DomainsgetList SeriesgetList SSP ChannelsgetList SSP IAB CategoiesgetList SSP PublishersgetTV Network GroupsTV Network Group API V4List TV Network GroupsgetTV Network ListTV Network List API V4Retrieve MRM IDs of TV NetworksgetUniverse Matching API V4Universe Matching API V4List Universe Matching Information - Query FormatgetList Universe Matching Information - Path FormatgetVideo API V4Video API V4List VideosgetCreate a VideopostShow a VideogetUpdate a VideoputVideo GroupList Parent Video GroupgetUpdate Parent Video Group RelationsputRemove Parent SeriesdeleteAdd Parent SeriesputRemove Parent Video GroupdeleteAdd Parent Video GroupputList Parent SeriesgetCreate a Video GrouppostList Video GroupsgetList Parent Video GroupsgetList Child Video GroupsgetUpdate Child Video Group RelationsputUpdate a Video GroupputAdd Child Video Groups RelationsputRemove Child Video Groups RelationsdeleteRemove Child Video SeriesdeleteAdd Child Video SeriesputUpdate Child Video RelationsputList Child VideogetAdd Child VideoputRemove Child VideodeleteAdd Parent Video Groups RelationputVideo SeriesRemove Parent Video Groups RelationsdeleteList SeriesgetCreate a SeriespostList Child Video SeriesgetUpdate a SeriesputShow a SeriesgetList Parent Video GroupgetUpdate Parent Video Group RelationsputRemove Parent Video GroupdeleteAdd Parent Video GroupputUpdate Child Video RelationsputList Child VideosgetAdd Child VideoputRemove Child VideodeleteVendor Contextual Segment APIVendor Contextual Segment API V4List contextual segmentsgetCreate contextual segmentspostUpdate contextual segmentsputDelete contextual segmentsdeleteValidations/Error HandlingYield Optimization API V4Yield Optimization Distribution API V4List Yield Optimization DistributionsgetCreate Yield Optimization DistributionpostGet Yield Optimization DistributiongetUpdate Yield Optimization DistributionpatchList Yield Optimization Distributions DemandsgetUpdate Yield Optimization Distribution StatusputYield Optimization Inventory Prioritization API V4List Yield Optimizations that nest current nested inventory prioritizationgetList Yield Optimization PrioritizationsgetCreate Yield Optimization PrioritizationpostGet Yield Optimization PrioritizationgetUpdate Yield Optimization PrioritizationpatchList Yield Optimization Prioritization DemandsgetUpdate Yield Optimization Prioritization StatusputYield Optimization Volume Cap API V4List Yield Optimization Volume CapsgetCreate Yield Optimization Volume CappostGet Yield Optimization Volume CapgetUpdate Yield Optimization Volume CappatchList Yield Optimization Volume Cap DemandsgetUpdate Yield Optimization Volume Cap StatusputYield Optimization Inventory Value Distribution API V4List Yield Optimization Inventory Value DistributionsgetCreate Yield Optimization Inventory Value DistributionpostGet Yield Optimization Inventory Value DistributiongetUpdate Yield Optimization Inventory Value DistributionpatchList Yield Optimization Inventory Value Distribution DemandsgetUpdate Yield Optimization Inventory Value Distribution StatusputYield Optimization Bid Modifier API V4List Yield Optimization Bid ModifiersgetCreate Yield Optimization Bid ModifierpostGet Yield Optimization Bid ModifiersgetUpdate Yield Optimization Bid ModifierpatchList Yield Optimization Bid Modifier DemandsgetUpdate Yield Optimization Bid Modifier StatusputList Brandsget https://sfx.freewheel.tv/api/inbound/brand?token=MY_API_KEY&name=box'The API allows to search brands by name (globals and locals) (limited to 100 results): ▶ Run in Postman