
Validations for Create

Validation MessagesMeaning
"invalid request"The request format is invalid.
"Width*Height of %{ad_name}(#%{ad_id}) does not match with the Width*Height of %{creative_name}(#%{creative_id})"The weight and height of the parameter-only creative does not match the ad.
"%{creative_name}(#%{creative_id}) can't link to %{ad_name}(#%{ad_id}); the duration of %{creative_name}(#%{creative_id}) must be greater than 0"Selected a duration=0 creative for a video ad.
"The reference placement is completed"The placement is completed.
"The reference placement has been cancelled"The placement is cancelled.
"Creative is not found"The creative does not exist.
"The ad linked to the creative not found"The ad does not exist.
"The base ad unit type of %{ad_name}(#%{ad_id}) does not match with that of %{creative_name}(#%{creative_id})"The ad unit type of the creative does not match the ad.

Validations for Activate

Validation MessagesMeaning
"Creative Instance is not found"The creative instance does not exist.
"The creative is not linked to this Ad"The creative is already unlinked from the ad.
"This creative's Clearcast status is Not Approved"ClearCast Codes are enabled and the Clearcast status of the creative is unapproved.
"The reference placement is completed"The placement is completed.
"The reference placement has been cancelled"The placement is cancelled.

Validations for Deactivate

Validation MessagesMeaning
"Creative Instance is not found"The creative instance does not exist.
"The creative is not linked to this ad"The creative is already unlinked from the ad.
"The creative %{creative_name}:%{creative_id} is the last active creative of ad unit %{ad_name}:%{ad_id}"It is the last creative for an active or testing placement.
"The creative #%{creative_id} (name: %{creative_name}) is the default creative of Ad Unit #%{ad_id}: (name: %{ad_name})"The scheduling method is Audience Targeting, and the creative is the last one of the default set.
"The creatives' schedules of default scheduling set don't span the placement's schedule"For active/testing placement, when the scheduling method is Audience Targeting, and the schedule of default set creatives do not cover the placement schedule
"The reference placement is completed"The placement is completed.
"The reference placement has been cancelled"The placement is cancelled.

Validations for Update

Validation MessagesMeaning
"Creative Instance is not found"The creative instance does not exist.
"The length must be no more than 255"The length of the tracking name is more than 255 characters.

Validations for Delete

Validation MessagesMeaning
"Creative Instance is not found"The creative instance does not exist.
"The creative %{creative_name}:%{creative_id} is the last active creative of ad unit %{ad_name}:%{ad_id}"It is the last creative for an active or testing placement.
"The creative #%{creative_id} (name: %{creative_name}) is the default creative of Ad Unit #%{ad_id}: (name: %{ad_name})"When the scheduling method is Audience Targeting, and the creative is the last one of the default set.
"The creatives' schedules of default scheduling set don't span the placement's schedule"For an active/testing placement, when the scheduling method is Audience Targeting, and the schedule of default set creatives cannot cover the placement schedule.
"The reference placement is completed"The placement is completed.
"The reference placement has been cancelled"The placement is cancelled.