List Insertion Orders

The List method uses GET to return a list of insertion orders within current network.

The List method is a case-sensitive query to find the prefix of any words in the name. For example, queries with the following conditions will return an insertion order with the name “This is an InsertionOrder”:

  • “?name=This”

  • “?name=this”

  • “?name=insert” Queries with the following conditions will not return the above Insertion Order:

  • “?name=sertion” (no words start with “sertion”, though it is part of “InsertionOrder”)

Examples to list Insertion Orders by various start dates by passing start_date as a URL query parameter:

  • “?start_date=2016-01-01…2017-01-01” will list all Insertion Orders that began between 2016-01-01 and 2017-01-01

  • “?start_date=…2017-01-01T14:30:14Z” will list all Insertion Orders that began before 2017-01-01T14:30:14Z

  • “?start_date=2017-01-01T14:30:14Z…” will list all Insertion Orders that began after 2017-01-01T14:30:14Z
