List Programmatic Creatives

This method uses GET to retrieve programmatic creatives.\


  • This endpoint is not intended for deep page querying, which is defined as a call that returns more than 200,000 results. This is calculated by Number of Pages * Per Page.

  • Your results include wrappers for creatives ingested by Demand-Side Platforms (DSP) . The inclusion of wrappers enables you to see pixels and click-throughs to ensure that compliance and technical standards are met.

  • Because of database capacity issues, the Programmatic Deal Open API returns a maximum of 50 creatives per page, even if you request a larger number than that. After 30 seconds, requests time out and receive a 500 error.

Filter Options

Refers to the creative approval statusYes
deal_idDeal ID

For example:{"deal_id":123}
The deal_id is the filtering parameter you would use to see the associated programmatic creatives. It should be greater than 0.YesThis is not supported by filter and filter_by query parameters.

Use deal_id under filters query param.
deal_typePGYesPG = Programmatic Guaranteed
created_at(DateTimeRange object)Time window filter with start and end time for created_at, which refers to the time the market ad was ingested and first associated with a deal for the client networkYesNot supported by filter and filter_by query parameters. Use created_at under filters query param.

See below for DateTimeRange object.
dsp_creative_updated_at(DateTimeRangeObject)Time window filter with start and end time for dsp_creative_updated_at, which refers to the time the market ad was last updated by DSPYesNot supported by filter and filter_by query parameters. Use dsp_creative_updated_at under filters query param.

See below for DateTimeRange object

DateTimeRange Object

Field NameTypeDescriptionOptionalComments
StartstringInclusive timestamp for the start-time filterNo, if created_at filter is specified in filtersTimestamps are in free form text: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
EndstringExclusive timestamp for the end time filterYesTimestamps are in free form text: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

If the end time timestamp is not provided, it defaults to exactly 10 days after the provided start-time timestamp.

For example: 

If the start timestamp is 2021-01-01 23:45:13 and the end timestamp is not provided, the end timestamp defaults to 2021-01-11 23:45:13.

Therefore, all filtered entries from 2021-01-01 23:45:13 to 2021-01-11 23:45:12 would be returned as the end timestamp is exclusive.
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