Forecasting API V4


MRM forecasting can help you gain insight into your business by planning ahead. Whether you want a view into your overall portfolio or close monitoring of a specific campaign to make sure it delivers in full, MRM forecasting can solve critical business problems by helping to predict your future inventory.

The Forecasting API provides delivery forecasting results for placements. There are two kinds of forecasting: one is nightly and the other is on-demand. Nightly forecasting runs once a day, the result of the last day’s nightly forecasting can be picked up anytime by the nightly API method. On-demand forecasting service runs on a user’s demands. An API user can demand an on-demand forecast by demand method and then poll the result via the demand_result method periodically to see if the result is available.


The Forecasting result is a read only resource, no create/update/delete operations are provided.

New in Forecasting API v4

Forecasting API v4 adds:

  • Support for OAuth 2.0
  • Support for JSON responses
  • A new url prefix:
  • More consistent error and warning messages

Forecasting API v4 provides industry-standard development support and allows for faster feature development and more granular permission control. Its greater compliance with REST makes it easier for developers with API experience to get up to speed.

Forecasting API v4 enables you to run nightly API requests for forecasting results as well on-demand requests. With Forecasting API v4, you can retrieve full forecasting results or, if you are focused on yield management and sales proposal management issues, simplified results that include only:

  • Forecasted Final Delivery Impressions (FFDI),
  • Net Available (NA), and
  • (If activated) Net Unreserved Available (NUA).

For on-demand forecast-result requests, you can specify the type of results you want to retrieve with these new demand-parameter values:

  • full
  • simple

Related Documentation

Refer to the following documentation for more information about FreeWheel products and APIs:



Forecasting API v4 identifies two Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), a List and an Instance as identified in the following table:
