Validations/Error Handling

Include Competing Ads [POST] Validations / Error Handling

Case DescriptionResponse
Invalid tokenjson { "message": "Unauthorized"
Current placement already processingjson { "errors": [ { "code": 4000, "field": "", "message": "A forecast for this item is already processing." } ] }
Placement doesn't exist in this networkjson // fail, the message field maybe has a couple of options based on error type.</p> { "errors": [ { "code": 4000, "field": "", "message": "Placement 285592 doesn't exist in the network." } ] }

Retrieve Competing Ads [GET] Validations / Error Handling

Case DescriptionMessage
Result is not readyjson { "errors": [ { "code": 4000, "field": "", "message": "On demand forecast result of placement 285588 isn't ready now. Please try again later." } ] }