API Resources

The following metadata is used in fields defined in the Publisher Version 3 and Version 4 API documentation. For example, Industry IDs and Industry Group IDs are used in industry fields in the Placement API V3.

Audience Index Keys

Click to expand
Total AudienceMales: 18-34HHI USD: Under $60K
Persons: 6+Males: 18-49HHI USD: $60K+
Persons: 15+Males: 21-34HHI USD: $75K+
Persons: 18+Males: 21-49HHI USD: 15,000 - 24,999
Persons: 21+Males: 25-34HHI USD: 25,000 - 39,999
Persons: 35+Males: 25-49HHI USD: 40,000 - 59,999
Persons: 50+Males: 25-54HHI USD: 60,000 - 74,999
Persons: 55+Males: 35-44HHI USD: 75,000 - 99,999
Persons: 2-12Males: 35-49HHI USD: 100,000 or more
Persons: 2-14Males: 35-54Region US:West North Central
Persons: 6-11Males: 35-64Region US:Mountain
Persons: 6-14Males: 45-54Region US:Pacific
Persons: 9-14Males: 45-64Region US:New England
Persons: 13-17Males: 55-64Region US:Mid Atlantic
Persons: 13-24Males: 65+Region US:South Atlantic
Persons: 13-34All Females+Region US:East South Central
Persons: 13-49Females: 6+Region US:West South Central
Persons: 18-24Females: 15+Region US:East North Central
Persons: 18-34Females: 18+Children:No
Persons: 18-49Females: 21Children:Yes
Persons: 21-34Females: 35+HH Size: 1
Persons: 21-49Females: 50+HH Size: 2
Persons: 25-34Females: 55+HH Size: 3
Persons: 25-49Females: 2-12HH Size: 4
Persons: 25-54Females: 2-14HH Size: 5+
Persons: 35-44Females: 6-11HH Size: 1-2
Persons: 35-49Females: 6-14HH Size: 3+
Persons: 35-54Females: 18-49Race:Black
Persons: 35-64Females: 9-14Race: Other
Persons: 45-54Females: 13-17Persons: 2-17
Persons: 45-64Females: 13-24Males: 2-17
Persons: 55-64Females: 13-34Females: 2-17
Persons: 65+Females: 13-49Non-Hispanic
All MalesFemales: 18-24Males: 21-24
Males: 6+Females: 18-34Males: 18-20
Males: 15+Females: 21-34Males: 45-49
Males: 18+Females: 21-49Hispanic - Bilingual
Males: 21+Females: 25-34Males: 50-54
Males: 35+Females: 25-49Females: 21-24
Males: 50+Females: 25-54Hispanic - Spanish Primary
Males: 55+Females: 35-44Females: 18-20
Males: 2-12Females: 35-49Females: 15-17
Males: 2-14Females: 35-54Females: 50-54
Males: 6-11Females: 35-64Connection Speed: Dial-up
Males: 6-14Females: 45-54Males: 15-17
Males: 9-14Females: 45-64Females: 12-14
Males: 13-17Females: 55-64Hispanic - English Primary
Males: 13-24Females: 65+Females: 45-49
Males: 13-34HHI USD: Less than 15,000Males: 12-14
Males: 13-49HHI USD: Under $25KConnection Speed: Broadband
Males: 18-24

Clearcast Codes to MRM IDs

Click to expand
MRM IDClearcast CodeNameDescription
2AANo artist after kids programmingNot to be transmitted in the breaks immediately before, during or immediately after any children's program featuring
3APFeat. Candidate for Parliament Not during news/elec results. geo.Features candidate for parliamentary By- or Local Authority election. Not to be transmitted during news or election results programs in that area.
4UIUnidentified artistsFeatures unidentified artists
5BENot first/lastNot first or last in break
6BFNot firstNot first in break
7CYNo children, <18Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to children's programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18
8BLNot lastNot last in break
9CECertificate 18Certificate 18
10CFCertificate 15Certificate 15
11CPCertificate PGCertificate PG
12CTCertificate 12Certificate 12
13CUCertificate UCertificate U
14CS Certificate 16Certificate 16Certificate 16
15CGCertificate GCertificate G
16DCCharacters over 25 No<18Please ensure that the characters in this commercial look and are 25 years of age and over. Please see BCAP UK Code of Broadcast Advertising 19.15. Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to children's programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18
17ECNo Parliam. b'castNot adj to parliamentary/party conference coverage
18EGNot during Gen./Euro elec.Features UK politician. Not to be transmitted during a General, By or European election campaign
19EINot during ind. disp.Not to be transmitted during an industrial dispute
20EPNo party pol. b'castNot adjacent to any party political broadcast
21PANot in breaks adjacent to Ad for sanitary products or condoms. Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 10
22PENo named prog.Not within/before but ok after if not first in brk
23PKNo childrenNot in or adjacent to kids programme
24PNNo news sNot adjacent to news programme
26PRNo religious prog.Not in religious programmes
27CHCharityNot in and around progs feat appeals for donations
28TNPost 2100Post 2100
29TSPost 1930Post 1930
30TTPost 2200Post 2200
31TLPost 2300Post 2300
32TPWeekday 900-1600, 2100+To be transmitted during the following times only: Weekdays 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs then post 2100 hrs. Weekends, public and school holidays post 2100 hrs.
33FHHFSS ProductHFSS product
34FLNon-HFSS productNon-HFSS product
35FOHFSS Status UnknownCleared as a grace period project. HFSS status unknown
36GCGaming ad.Not to be transmitted in, or adjacent to, religious programmes, children's programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18. A voluntary agreement exists not to schedule gaming ads before 21.00. Legal advice should be sought on gaming ads proposed to be broadcast in Northern Ireland.
37GB BettingBetting ad.Not to be transmitted in, or adjacent to, religious programmes, children's programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18. A voluntary agreement exists not to schedule gambling ads before 21.00. This agreement does not apply to sports betting around televised sporting events.
38BERMust comply w/ BERRMust comply with the BERR Pricing Practices Guide
3921MutedMuted sound
4023Sound distortionFeatures sound distortion/interference
4124Visual distortionFeatures visual distortion/interference
4225Simulated FailureFeatures simulated transmission failure
4328Not in EnglishNot in English
4429Two commercialsFeatures two commercials back to back
4530Features explosionsFeatures explosions
4631Features firearmsFeatures firearms
4742Features add'l advertisers or brandsFeatures additional advertisers or brands
4848Features NaziFeatures Nazi footage
4949Review for <9 yrsBroadcasters may wish to view this advertisement to determine its acceptability for transmission in programmes appealing to children up to 9 years.
5050Features web addressThis advertisement features a website address
5151Refers to date of a prog.Please note this advertisement refers specifically to a day/date and/or time of a programme or other media event
5252Features Features
53GCIGaming ad.Not to be transmitted in, or adjacent to, religious programmes, children's programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18. A voluntary agreement exists not to schedule gaming ads before 2100. Acceptable for broadcast in Northern Ireland.
5453Contains Legal textLegal Text
55BEABeach / Sea / WavesBeach / Sea / Waves
5654GamingGAMING - A voluntary agreement exists not to schedule gaming ads before 2100 hrs.
5856Bingo/betting websiteThis is a Bingo or Betting ad containing a sign up offer for new customers or containing a reference to a website with links to gaming on its home page. A voluntary agreement exists not to schedule these ads before 2100
59STSF TeleshoppingShort-form teleshopping ad
60GGBetting/Gaming/BingoNo <18, relig, kids, Prog. Ad for Betting, Gaming or Bingo. Not to be transmitted in, or adjacent to, religious programmes, childrens programmes or programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18. Voluntary agreements are in place for gambling ads. Scheduling may be applied. Legal advice should be sought on gaming ads proposed to be broadcast int Northern Ireland.
6132Review for children < 10Broadcasters may wish to view this advertisement to determine its acceptability for transmission in programmes appealing to children under 10 years
62CPRMust comply with Consumer Protection Reg.Must comply with the Consumer Protection Regulations
63DEMEnsure demonstration sequence genuinePlease take care with the visual treatment to ensure that the demonstration sequence is genuine.
64DRVEnsure driving sequence safePlease take care with the visual treatment of the driving sequence to ensure that there is no suggestion of dangerous driving or breach of the Highway Code. Seat belts must be worn as required by law. Please see BCAP UK Code of Broadcast Advertising 20.1 and 20.2
65FLAEnsure meets flashing/regular pattern regPlease ensure the finished advertisement complies with BCAP Advertising Standards Code 6.7 on Flashing Images and Regular Patterns in Television. Failure to do so would render it unacceptable for transmission.
66GNGaming ad, seek advice for NIRGaming ad. Legal advice should be sought on gaming ads proposed to be broadcast in Northern Ireland.
67INVRequires approval for investment adInvestment advertisements must be approved by an authorised person within the meaning of the most recent Financial Services Act. This script approval is neither prejudicial to nor does it replace that requirement. A certificate of approval of the completed commercial by the authorised person must be submitted before approval can be given to a film
68L1HLow emulation risk for young viewersRisk that emulation may result but not considered to be a risk of serious harm and/or mild scary scenes that may frighten and so cause mental harm to very young viewers.
69L1SMild innuendoMild innuendo or sexual activity (such as kissing). Non-sexual nudity.
70L1VMild interpersonal violenceMild interpersonal violence e.g. slap or punch
71L2HPotentially harmful emulation riskPotential for emulation. Not suitable for young children as copying the behaviour may result in them placing themselves in a potentially harmful situation (but not life threatening). Scenes of threat and horror in the home. Morphing and/or scary faces.
72L2SModerate innuendoModerate innuendo. Moderate non-graphic sexual activity, this might be nudity in a sexual context.
73L2VModerate scenes of aggressive behaviour, bloody injuries Interpersonal contact may be strong but brief.Moderate or strong, but brief, aggressive behaviour. Visuals of injuries, which aren't too graphic but may be bloody.
74L3HHigh emulation riskNot suitable for pre-watershed. Risk of emulation will be serious and likely to result in serious harm.
75L3SStrong sexual contentStrong sexual content (but not overtly graphic) including sexual entertainment. Open discussion of sex. Strong and/or crude innuendo. Sexual nudity (no nipples/pubic hair/genitalia).
76 .L3VStrong Repeated scenes of violence, horror, injuriesStrong and repeated violence. For example, scenes of threat and/or horror. Aggressive behaviour or visuals of injuries, brief scenes of torture
77L4HHigh graphic/upsetting contentHigh level of graphic or upsetting content
78L4SVery strong/graphic sexual contentStrong sexual content - briefly graphic. Open discussion of sex or crude innuendo. Sexual nudity. Repeated scenes of sexual encounters.
79L4VVery strong violence, horror, injuriesContent as L3 but likely to have one or two scenes which push the restriction to L4.
80L5HStrongest graphic content allowableStrongest level of allowable graphic or upsetting content
81L5SStrongest sexual content allowableThe strongest sexual content allowable, likely to be graphic, repeated, crude or realistic including commercials for encrypted porn channels.
82L5VStrongest violent content allowableStrongest violent content allowable. Extremely violent, multiple scenes of contact. Graphic scenes of injury including e.g. scenes of torture and suffering. Realistic or urban crime particularly that which might be considered to glamourise such behaviour
83MOR .Requires confirmation of compliance with FSM Act of 2000The finished commercial must comply with the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and the advertiser must supply a confirmation of compliance when it is submitted to for clearance
84QAQEnsure accurate representation of product quantity/qualityPlease take care to ensure the quantity and quality of the product(cs) is not exaggerated. The visual treament should be accurate
85ROSEnsure road safety is observedPlease take care with the visual treatment to ensure that all road safety precautions are seen being observed. In addition please ensure appropriate safety equipment is worn.
86SAFEnsure appropriate safety is observedPlease ensure appropriate safety is observed, including wearing of safety gear if appropriate
87SCHSchool / Adventure Parks / KidsSchool / Adventure Parks / Kids
88SUPEnsure super complies with BCAP UK CBA 3.10 and 3.11Please ensure that qualifying super-imposed text complies with BCAP UK Code of Broadcast Advertising 3.10 and 3.11 as well as BCAP Advertising Guidance Note No. 1
89TIMMay attract a restriction on timing of trans.This commercial may attract a timing or scheduling restriction. This will be determined at film submission stage
90TOY .Ensure no exaggeration of toy productPlease take care with both audio and video of this advertisement to avoid exaggeration of the product. In particular great care should be taken to ensure that the toy does not look larger than it is and sound effects indicating that the toy emits real life sounds should not be used
91VAAAdvertiser assurance rec'd after unsat. substantiationAdvertiser's Assurance has been received after Clearcast found substantiation unsatisfactory, run with caution
92VETVet should be presentA vet or animal handler should be present throughout shooting to testify to the well-being of any animals
93VFDVoD Ad for food and soft-drinksVoD Ad for food and soft-drinks
94VFLVoD Ad for non-HFSSVoD Ad for non-HFSS (fresh fruit and vegetables or water)
95VHCAd not compliant with HFSS rulesIf HFSS, the ad is not compliant with the HFSS content rules
96VMAdvertiser unlikely to be able to support claim(s)Advertiser unlikely to be successful in supporting claim(s), run with caution.
97101Features plane or holiday settingFeatures plane or holiday setting
9829AXXFeatures 2 or more products linked together(old)XXFeatures 2 or more products linked together(old)
9933Includes competition mechanicIncludes competition entry mechanic
101CARCars / CoachesCars / Coaches
103EXWExtreme Weather / Earthquakes / Tsunami / FloodingExtreme Weather / Earthquakes / Tsunami / Flooding
105HFUHospital / People Dying / FuneralHospital / People Dying / Funeral
106HOLHolidays / Compare websiteHolidays / Compare website
108KNIKnives / Swords / BladesKnives / Swords / Blades
109MOVNot in MoviesNot in Movies
111SKYNot in Sky wholly owned channelsNot in Sky wholly owned channels
112SPONot in SportsNot in Sports
11449AXXNiche Children's (old)XXNiche Children's (old)
115Z-QFully ApprovedFully Approved
116CFLNon-HFSS FoodNon-HFSS Food
117CDCAlcoholNot to be shown to under 18's
118FPFootball PoolsNot to be shown to under 16's
119LALotteryNot to be shown to under 16's
120CAARun with cautionRun with caution
121CHCIf HFSS Ad is not compliantIf HFSS Ad is not compliant
122CMRun with cautionRun with caution
123L1GMay not be suitable for under 16'sMay not be suitable for under 16's
124PPAt least 2hrs from At least 2hrs from
125WHOWholly Owned ContentWholly Owned Content
126LITNot in breaks adjacent to <10,. Ad for sanitary products or condoms.Not to placed in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 10
127PBNo children, <16 Prog. Contains content that might cause physical mental or moral harm to children.and/or action that, if emulated, could cause danger or harm to children.Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to childrn under 16
128PCNo in breaks adjacent <16,. Ad for <Specific Category (chosen from drop down menu)>.Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 16. Categories to be listed: Lotteries, Football Pools, Equal-chance gaming, Prize gaming, Category D gaming machines, Licensed medicines, vitamins or other dietary supplements, Drinks containing less than 1.2% alcohol, Computer or console game rated 15 or above, Matches, Trailers for films or videos with Certificate 15 or above
129L1TSanpro / condom. No kids under 10 Ad for sanitary products or condoms.Not to be placed in or adjacent to progammes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 10
13057Gambling. Not in Northern Ireland.GAMBLING - This ad invites participation in gaming in exchange for money Legal advice should be sought on this ad being broadcast in Northern Ireland.
13158Includes a competitor broadcaster or provider.This ad includes a competitor broadcaster or content provider MUST INCLUDE A COMMENTS BOX
13259Betting or Bingo inc sign up offer; Post 2100 onlyThis is a Bingo or Betting ad containing a sign up offer for new customers. A voluntary agreement exists not schedule these ads before 2100
133KASanpro / condom. No kids under 10 Ad for sanitary products or condoms.Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 10
134KBNot in or adjacent to under 16s programmes (KB).Contains content that might cause physical mental or moral harm to children.and/or action that, if emulated, could cause danger or harm to children. Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to childrn under 16
135KCNot in or adjacent to under 16s programmes (KC) Ad for .Not to be transmitted in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal to children under 16.
136PPGMust comply with the BIS PricingMust comply with the BIS Pricing Practices Guide
13760Audio DescribedAudio Described
138EFTo be transmitted only on specialised financial channels or in specialised financial programmingTo be transmitted only on specialised financial channels or in specialised financial programming
13961Cosmetic surgery proceduresThis ad is for cosmetic surgery procedures
14162Time limited offer
14263Ad for a film or gameAd for a film or game.
143BTBritish TelecomThis code is for commercials deemed unsuitable to run on the BT channels.
144BTCBritish Telecom CompetitorThis code is to restrict a commercial appearing in high-tier programming on BT.
145VIAViacomThis code is for commercials deemed unsuitable to run on the Viacom channels
146LVHLove HoneyThis code is for Adult commercials deemed unsuitable to run on the certain content and channels
14767Features knife or knives used as a weaponFeatures knife or knives used as a weapon
14864Short-form teleshopping adShort-form teleshopping ad
14965Teleshopping ad under 15 minutes durationTeleshopping ad under 15 minutes duration
15066Ad makes reference to death or dying - Humans or AnimalsAd makes reference to death or dying - Humans or Animals
15168Features fire or flamesFeatures fire or flames
15269Features water sport activitiesFeatures water sport activities
15370Features beach/sea/wavesFeatures beach/sea/waves
15471Features person falling/jumping from a heightFeatures person falling/jumping from a height
15572Prominently features babies or children up to the age of 16Prominently features babies or children up to the age of 16
15673Features school settingFeatures school setting i.e. a playground, classroom, canteen
15774Features vehicle stuntFeatures vehicle stunt
15875Features vehicle crashFeatures vehicle crash
15976Features sea/river-going vesselFeatures sea/river-going vessel
16077Features trainFeatures train
16178Features aircraftFeatures aircraft
16279Features past or current member of the royal familyFeatures past or current member of the royal family

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Names

Click to expand
Freewheel IDISP Name
1FR - Free (Iliad)
2US - Qwest Communications
4IL - Cellcom
9SG - StarHub UK - 3 (Hutchison 3G)
15CA - Shaw
17US - Cox Communications
22CA - TekSavvy
24US - Juno Online Services
25US - Verizon
26SG - MobileOne (M1)
28US - RCN
29US - Citizens
31DK - Jay.net A/S
33AT - T-Mobile
42US - LocalNet
43NZ - TelstraClear
44CA - Velcom
49BE - EDPnet
50CA - ColbaNet
51US - Windstream
52BE - Telenet
56IL - Bezeq
57FR - SFR
60AU - Optus (Singtel Optus/Virgin Mobile)
64DK - TDC
65US - EarthLink
66IE - Digiweb
70DE - Ewe Tel (NordCom)
73FI - Elisa
75AR - Speedy (Telefonica)
76US - Optimum by Altice
79CA - Cogeco
80FI - DNA
82US - Comcast
83DE - BITel
85IT - Vodafone
87AU - Grapevine
88AU - BigPond (Telstra)
90CA - Sasktel
92US - Century Tel
94US - Embarq
97IT - SiPortal
103IT - Fastweb
106IT - BT Italia
111IT - Telecom Italia
113NZ - Slingshot
114IL - 013 NetVision
115DK - Telenor
116FR - Bouygues Telecom/Club Internet
119ES - Orange
120US - Tracfone Wireless
122SE - Telenor
126DE - Unitymedia (Iesy/Ish)
128IL - Orange (Partner Communications Company)
130US - Charter Communications
131IT - Tiscali
132NZ - Vodafone
135NL - KPN
137US - AT&T Mobility
139DE - Strato
142US - T-Mobile
147US - Verizon Wireless
148CA - Novus Entertainment
150CA - Telus
152CA - Aliant/Bell
155US - Sprint PCS
157CA - Eastlink
158US - Time-Warner
162US - US Cellular
163NZ - Telecom New Zealand
165AT - Telekom Austria
167UK - T-Mobile
168DE - Heli NET (LunTel)
171NO - Tele2 Norge AS
173DE - Colt
175CA - Videotron
176US - Hughes Satellite
188UK - Virgin Media
191US - MID-Continent
193US - ATT
194US - Frontier
195US - Mediacom
196US - Wow
197US - Suddenlink
198US - Etheric
199IT - Kena Mobile
200IT - Wind Infostrada
201IT - H3G
202IT - Linkem
203IT - Iliad
204IT - Eolo
205IT - Open fiber
206NL - Vodafone Netherlands
207NL - UPC
208MX - Movistar
209MX - AT&T
210BR - Vivo
211BR - Oi MÛvil
212AR - Movistar
213AR - Personal
214CL - Entel
215CL - Movistar
216CL - Claro
217CO - Movistar
218ES - Telefonica
219ES - Vodafone
220ES - MasMovil
221NL - T-Mobile
222NL - XS4All
223ES - Digi Spain Telecom
224ES - Adamo Telecom Iberia
225ES - Red.es
226EC - Claro
227EC - CNT EP
228PA - Claro
229PE - Claro
230PE - Entel
231PE - Viettel
232UR - Movistar
233VE - Movistar
234SV - Tigo
235SV - Claro
236SV - Digicel
237GU - Claro
238HN - Tigo
239HN - Claro
240NI - Claro
241PA - Digicel
242DO - Claro
243DO - Altice
244DO - Trilogy
245UK - EE
246UK - O2 (Telefonica)
247UK - Three (Hutchinson 3G)
248UK - Vodafone
249EG - Etisalat
250SY - Syriatel
251AE - Du
252SA - Saudi Telecom Company (STC)
253KW - Gulfnet
254QA - Ooredoo
255SA - Mobily (Ethiad Etisalat)
256AF - Etisalat
257AE - Etisalat
258QA - Vodafone

MRM Industry IDs

Click to expand
TierCategory NameID
Tier 1Abrasives Manufacture92
Tier 1Accounting Services57
Tier 1Adult Entertainment and Paraphernalia382
Tier 2Adults only or Sexual Content4951
Tier 2Adult Entertainment and Paraphernalia - All else4952
Tier 1Advertising and Marketing241
Tier 2Marketing Agency4953
Tier 2Advertising and Marketing - All else4954
Tier 1Aerospace Products and Parts Manufacture93
Tier 1Agriculture Crop Production1
Tier 2Agriculture equipment4955
Tier 2Farm Fertilizers4956
Tier 2Agriculture Crop Production - All else4957
Tier 1Agriculture Livestock Production2
Tier 2Animal nutrition4958
Tier 2Agriculture Livestock Production - All else4959
Tier 1Air Charter Services242
Tier 1Aircraft Parts Manufacture94
Tier 1Airlines319
Tier 2Domestic Airlines4960
Tier 2International Airlines4961
Tier 2Airlines - All else4962
Tier 1Alcoholic beverages4963
Tier 2Beer/Cider/Lager Beverages4964
Tier 2Wine Beverages4965
Tier 2Spirits Beverages4966
Tier 2Alcoholic beverages - All else4967
Tier 1Amusement Parks & Arcades161
Tier 2Leisure Park4968
Tier 2Amusement Parks & Arcades - All else4969
Tier 1Apparel Manufacture95
Tier 2Bag/Wallet Manufacturer4970
Tier 2Sunglasses Manufacturer4971
Tier 2Watch/Jewelry Manufacturer4972
Tier 2Apparel Manufacture - All else4973
Tier 1Architects Offices30
Tier 1Armed Forces380
Tier 1Automobile Dealers - Luxury193
Tier 1Automobile Dealerships194
Tier 1Automobile Manufacture96
Tier 2Car/Van4974
Tier 2Bike/Scooter4975
Tier 2Auto Warranties4976
Tier 2Automobile Manufacture - All else4977
Tier 1Automobile Parts and Accessories Manufacture97
Tier 2Petrol/Oil/Lubricant Manufaurer4978
Tier 2Motor Accessory Manufaurer4979
Tier 2Automobile Parts and Accessories Manufacture - All else4980
Tier 1Automobile Parts Wholesale-Retail195
Tier 2Petrol/Oil/Lubricant Retailer4981
Tier 2Motor Accessory Retailer4982
Tier 2Automobile Parts Wholesale-Retail - All else4983
Tier 1Automobile Rental and Leasing244
Tier 2Commercial Car Rental4984
Tier 2Automobile Rental and Leasing - All else4985
Tier 1Automotive Repair Shops245
Tier 1Aviation Services246
Tier 1Bakeries3
Tier 1Banks and Credit Unions58
Tier 1Bars and Nightclubs197
Tier 1Battery Manufacture98
Tier 2Household Batteries4986
Tier 2Battery Manufacture - All else4987
Tier 1Bed and Breakfast Inns162
Tier 1Beef Cattle Ranching4
Tier 1Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores198
Tier 2Beer/Cider/Lager Store4988
Tier 2Wine Store4989
Tier 2Spirits Store4990
Tier 2Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores - All else4991
Tier 1Beverage Manufacture and Bottling6
Tier 1Biofuels Production324
Tier 1Biotechnology Sector7
Tier 1Birth Control Products384
Tier 2Condom Product4992
Tier 2Pregnancy Kit Product4993
Tier 2Birth Control Products - All else4994
Tier 1Boat Building100
Tier 1Boat Dealers163
Tier 1Book Publishers290
Tier 1Bookstores200
Tier 1Bowling Centers164
Tier 1Breweries8
Tier 2Beer/Cider/Lager4995
Tier 2Wine4996
Tier 2Spirits4997
Tier 2Breweries - All else4998
Tier 1Building Material Supply31
Tier 1Car Washes248
Tier 1Catering Services249
Tier 1Cement, Concrete and Construction Material32
Tier 1Chemical Manufacturing - Agricultural9
Tier 1Chemical Manufacturing - Industrial104
Tier 1Chemicals105
Tier 1Chemicals Distributors352
Tier 1Child-care Facilities165
Tier 1Chiropractor Offices74
Tier 1Churches & Religious Groups166
Tier 1Clothing Stores202
Tier 2Men's and Women's clothing4999
Tier 2Men's clothing5000
Tier 2Women's clothing5001
Tier 2Children's clothing5002
Tier 2Shoes5003
Tier 2Lingerie5004
Tier 2Swimwear5005
Tier 2Sportswear/fitness5006
Tier 2Clothing Stores - All else5007
Tier 1Coal Mining325
Tier 1Coffee and Tea Manufacture10
Tier 1Coffee Shops203
Tier 1Colleges and Universities167
Tier 1Commercial and Industrial Equipment Rental251
Tier 1Commercial Construction Contractors33
Tier 2Industrial Builder/Housing5008
Tier 2Commercial Construction Contractors - All else5009
Tier 1Commercial Fishing and Seafood Distribution11
Tier 1Commercial Printing107
Tier 1Community Colleges168
Tier 1Computer and Office Equipment Distributors291
Tier 2copiers distributor5010
Tier 2printers distributor5011
Tier 2computers distributor5012
Tier 2faxes distributor5013
Tier 2Computer and Office Equipment Distributors - All else5014
Tier 1Computer and Software Stores204
Tier 2Computer Game Store5015
Tier 2Computer Software5016
Tier 2Computer and Software Stores - All else5017
Tier 1Computer Manufacture108
Tier 2Home/Office Computer5018
Tier 2Home/Office Printer5019
Tier 2Home/Office Tablet5020
Tier 2Computer Manufacture - All else5021
Tier 1Computer Software Development293
Tier 1Concrete and Masonry Contractors34
Tier 1Construction Machinery Manufacturing35
Tier 1Consulting Services59
Tier 1Consumer Electronics Stores205
Tier 1Consumer Finance60
Tier 2Loan5022
Tier 3Car Loan5023
Tier 3Debt consolidation loan5024
Tier 3Equity Release Loan5025
Tier 3Personal/other Loan5026
Tier 3Car Loan - All else5027
Tier 2Credit Card5028
Tier 2Credit Check5029
Tier 2Endowment5030
Tier 2Life/Assurance5031
Tier 2Money Transfer5032
Tier 2Mortgage5033
Tier 2Pension/Investment5034
Tier 2Share Trading5035
Tier 2Travelers Check5036
Tier 2Consumer Finance - All else5037
Tier 1Consumer Product Rental374
Tier 1Convenience Stores and Gas Stations206
Tier 1Cosmetics, Beauty Supply, and Perfume Stores207
Tier 2Perfume5038
Tier 3Men's perfume5039
Tier 3Women's perfume5040
Tier 3Children's perfume5041
Tier 3Perfume - All else5042
Tier 2Cleansers5043
Tier 2Facial beauty product5044
Tier 2Hand care product5045
Tier 2Makeup5046
Tier 3Eyeliner5047
Tier 3Foundation5048
Tier 3Lipstick5049
Tier 3Mascara5050
Tier 3Blush/Bronzer5051
Tier 3Makeup - All else5052
Tier 2Haircare products5053
Tier 3Hair color5054
Tier 3Hair loss product5055
Tier 3Hair lice product5056
Tier 3Hair removal product5057
Tier 3Shampoo/Conditioner5058
Tier 3Spray/gel/Mousse5059
Tier 3Haircare products - All else5060
Tier 2Lip care product5061
Tier 2Foot care product5062
Tier 2Skin lotion/sun screen/self-tanner5063
Tier 2Cosmetics, Beauty Supply, and Perfume Stores - All else5064
Tier 1Credit Card Processing61
Tier 1Credit Collections and Services62
Tier 1Cruises5065
Tier 1Dairy Products Manufacture12
Tier 2Butter/Margarine/Spread5066
Tier 2Cheese/Eggs5067
Tier 2Milk/Milk Substitute5068
Tier 2Yogurt5069
Tier 2Dairy Products Manufacture - All else5070
Tier 1Deep Sea Shipping327
Tier 1Dentists Offices & Clinics75
Tier 1Department Stores & Discount Stores208
Tier 2Luggage5071
Tier 1Direct Marketing Services255
Tier 1DIY5072
Tier 2DIY Materials5073
Tier 2DIY Tools5074
Tier 2DIY - All else5075
Tier 1Drugstores76
Tier 2Pharmacy/Chemist5076
Tier 2Energy/Stimulant Products5077
Tier 2Drugstores - All else5078
Tier 1Dry Cleaning and Laundry Facilities256
Tier 1Drywall, Plaster, Acoustic & Insulation Contractors36
Tier 1Education and Training Services169
Tier 2Education Courses5079
Tier 2Driving Lessons5080
Tier 2Education and Training Services - All else5081
Tier 1Electric Energy Distribution170
Tier 1Electric Power Generation329
Tier 1Electrical Contractors37
Tier 1Electrical, Plumbing, and Hardware Distributors356
Tier 1Electronic Components & Semiconductor Manufacture111
Tier 1Electronic Components & Semiconductor Wholesalers357
Tier 1Electronic Gaming Products112
Tier 1Engineering Services38
Tier 1Entertainment and Games Software296
Tier 2Video Game Ratings5082
Tier 3Rating: E5083
Tier 3Rating: E 10+5084
Tier 3Rating: T5085
Tier 3Rating: M5086
Tier 3Rating: A 18+5087
Tier 3Video Game Ratings - All else5088
Tier 2Game Genre5089
Tier 3Family Entertainment5090
Tier 3Fighting/Shooting5091
Tier 3Motorsport5092
Tier 3Role Play/Fantasy5093
Tier 3Sports5094
Tier 3Game genre - All else5095
Tier 2Entertainment and Games Software - All else5096
Tier 1Entertainment and Performance Arts385
Tier 2Event5097
Tier 3Concert5312
Tier 3Exhibition5099
Tier 3Sporting event5100
Tier 3Theater5101
Tier 3Ticket Agent5102
Tier 3Trade Shows/Fairs5103
Tier 3Event - All else5104
Tier 2Psychics/Fortune Telling5105
Tier 2Quiz5106
Tier 2Entertainment and Performance Arts - All else5107
Tier 1Environment5108
Tier 1Erosion Control39
Tier 1Fabricated Metal Parts Manufacturing113
Tier 1Farm Equipment Manufacture and Distribution14
Tier 1Fashion accessories5109
Tier 2Eye glasses5110
Tier 2Sunglasses5111
Tier 2Watches5112
Tier 2Purse/bag5113
Tier 2Wallet5114
Tier 2Jewelry5115
Tier 2Leather goods5116
Tier 2Fashion accessories - All else5117
Tier 1Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurants15
Tier 1Fast Lube / Auto Oil Change Service259
Tier 1Feminine Hygiene Products383
Tier 1Financial Planners and Investment Advisors63
Tier 2Financial Consultant5118
Tier 2Financial Planners and Investment Advisors - All else5119
Tier 1Financial Services386
Tier 1Fitness Centers171
Tier 1Fitness Equipment115
Tier 1Floor Coverings116
Tier 1Florists212
Tier 1Food - Candy387
Tier 2confectionery5120
Tier 2chewing gum5121
Tier 2chocolate5122
Tier 2Food -Candy - All else5123
Tier 1Food - Dessert5124
Tier 2Pastry5125
Tier 2Cake5126
Tier 2Pie5127
Tier 2Cookie5128
Tier 2Ready-to-eat desserts5129
Tier 2Ice Cream5130
Tier 2Food - Dessert - All else5131
Tier 1Food - Packaged388
Tier 2Cereals5132
Tier 2Condiments5133
Tier 2Pasta, rice, bread5134
Tier 2Chips5135
Tier 2Butter/Margarine5136
Tier 2Soups5137
Tier 2Baby Food5138
Tier 2Sauces/Stocks/Powders5139
Tier 2Jam/preserves/honey5140
Tier 2Pre-made dinners5141
Tier 2Frozen Foods5142
Tier 2Health and Dietary Foods5143
Tier 2Food - Packaged - All else5144
Tier 1Food - Vegetables, Meat, Fish5145
Tier 2Fresh Fruits and Vegetables5146
Tier 2Dried Fruits and Vegetables5147
Tier 2Fish5148
Tier 2Beef5149
Tier 2Poultry5150
Tier 2Food - Vegetables, Meat, Fish - All else5151
Tier 1Food - Cooking Oils5152
Tier 2Olive Oil5153
Tier 2Margarines5154
Tier 2Vegetable oil5155
Tier 2Coconut Oil5156
Tier 2Food - Cooking Oils - All else5157
Tier 1Food Distributors16
Tier 1Food Service Contractors17
Tier 1Footwear Manufacture, Wholesale, and Retail117
Tier 1Framing Contractors40
Tier 1Franchises and Business Opportunities5158
Tier 1Freight Shipping Services263
Tier 1Fruit and Vegetable Processing18
Tier 1Fuel Oil and LP Gas Dealers214
Tier 1Funeral Operations264
Tier 1Furniture Manufacturing119
Tier 1Furniture Stores215
Tier 1Futures and Commodities5159
Tier 1Gardening5160
Tier 2Plants and seeds5161
Tier 2Gardening tools5162
Tier 2Gardening tools - electrical5163
Tier 2Plant containers, mini-greenhouses5164
Tier 2Fertilizers and garden treatments5165
Tier 2Gardening - All else5166
Tier 1Gambling Operations173
Tier 2Poker/Casino5167
Tier 2Bingo Hall5168
Tier 2Lottery5169
Tier 2Reward Schemes5170
Tier 2Online Gambling5171
Tier 2Gambling Operations - All else5172
Tier 1Gift and Souvenir Stores216
Tier 1Glass and Fiber Optic Manufacturing120
Tier 1Golf Courses174
Tier 1Government Contractors41
Tier 1Graphic Design Services298
Tier 1Grocery Stores and Supermarkets19
Tier 1Gun Manufacturing121
Tier 2Firearms5173
Tier 2Gun Manufacturing - All else5174
Tier 1Hair Care Services265
Tier 2Hair colorist5175
Tier 2Haircare appliance5176
Tier 2Hairdresser5177
Tier 2Hair Care Services - All else5178
Tier 1Handtool and Cutlery Manufacture122
Tier 1Health Fundraising Organizations77
Tier 1Healthcare78
Tier 2Health Services Healthcare5179
Tier 2Preventative Healthcare5180
Tier 2Alternative Medicine Healthcare5181
Tier 2Weight loss Healthcare5182
Tier 2Diabetes Healthcare5183
Tier 2Cholesterol Healthcare5184
Tier 2Gender Specific Healthcare5185
Tier 2Lactose Intolerance Healthcare5186
Tier 2Mental Healthcare5187
Tier 2Obesity intervention Healthcare5188
Tier 2Respiratory and Cardiovascular Healthcare5189
Tier 2Skin Healthcare5190
Tier 2Cancer Treatment Healthcare9058
Tier 2Healthcare - All else5191
Tier 1Hedge Fund Management64
Tier 1Highway and Street Construction42
Tier 1Home Centers and Hardware Stores218
Tier 2Home Improvement5192
Tier 1Home Furnishings Stores219
Tier 2Kitchen Store5193
Tier 2Bathroom Store5194
Tier 2Outdoor Store5195
Tier 2Bedroom Store5196
Tier 2Living Room Store5197
Tier 2Decoration Store5198
Tier 2Home Furnishing Stores - All else5199
Tier 1Home Healthcare Services79
Tier 1Hospitals80
Tier 1Hotel and Motel - Lodging266
Tier 1Household Appliance Manufacture123
Tier 2Washing Machine/Dryers5200
Tier 2Vacuum5201
Tier 2Heaters5202
Tier 2Fans5203
Tier 2Anti-theft5204
Tier 2Refrigerators5205
Tier 2Ovens/stoves/microwaves5206
Tier 2Irons5207
Tier 2light bulbs5208
Tier 2DVD Player5209
Tier 2Coffee Maker5210
Tier 2Cooking appliances5211
Tier 2Television5212
Tier 2Tablet5213
Tier 2Fax5214
Tier 2Computer5215
Tier 2Copier/scanner5216
Tier 2printers5217
Tier 2e-reader5218
Tier 2Household Appliance Manufacture - All else5219
Tier 1Household Appliance Stores220
Tier 2Household Store5220
Tier 2Electrical Store5221
Tier 2Household Appliance Stores - All else5222
Tier 1Household Tools5223
Tier 2Handheld tools5224
Tier 2Electric Handheld tools5225
Tier 2Nails, Screws, Bolts, etc.5226
Tier 2Household Tools - All else5227
Tier 1Housekeeping5228
Tier 2Paper goods5229
Tier 2Food Storage products5230
Tier 2Detergents5231
Tier 2Dish products5232
Tier 2Household cleaners5233
Tier 2Sponges, mops, cloths5234
Tier 2Household disinfectants5235
Tier 2Air fresheners5236
Tier 2Trash bags5237
Tier 2Housekeeping - All else5238
Tier 1HVAC and Plumbing Contractors43
Tier 1Illegal Activities5239
Tier 1Industrial Machinery Manufacturing124
Tier 1Industrial Machinery Wholesalers361
Tier 1Industrial Supply Wholesalers362
Tier 1Information Technology299
Tier 1Inland Barge Transport375
Tier 1Insurance Agencies65
Tier 2Building Agency5240
Tier 2Car Agency5241
Tier 2Health Agency5242
Tier 2Home Agency5243
Tier 2Pet Agency5244
Tier 2Travel Agency5245
Tier 2Commercial Agency5246
Tier 2Life Agency5247
Tier 2Insurance Agencies - All else5248
Tier 1Insurance Carriers66
Tier 2Building Carriers5249
Tier 2Car Carriers5250
Tier 2Health Carriers5251
Tier 2Home Carriers5252
Tier 2Pet Carriers5253
Tier 2Travel Carriers5254
Tier 2Commercial Carriers5255
Tier 2Life Carriers5256
Tier 2Insurance Carriers - All else5257
Tier 1Interior Design Services267
Tier 1Internet5258
Tier 2Internet Comparison Service5259
Tier 2Internet Dating5260
Tier 2Internet gaming5261
Tier 2Internet Social Networking5262
Tier 2Search Engine5263
Tier 2Internet - All else5264
Tier 1Internet and Catalog Retailers221
Tier 2Internet Auction5265
Tier 2Various/Catalog5266
Tier 2Internet and Catalog Retailers - All else5267
Tier 1Internet Service Providers268
Tier 1Investment Banking67
Tier 1Janitorial Services and Carpet Cleaning269
Tier 1Jewelry Retail222
Tier 1Kidney Dialysis Centers81
Tier 1Landscaping Services44
Tier 1Legal Services68
Tier 1Lighting Equipment Manufacture125
Tier 1Linen and Uniform Supply Services272
Tier 1Local Bus Transportation176
Tier 1Lumber Wholesalers45
Tier 1Machine Shops126
Tier 1Machine Tool Manufacture127
Tier 1Magazine Publishers301
Tier 2Men's Magazines5268
Tier 2Women's Magazines5269
Tier 2Magazine Publishers - All else5270
Tier 1Managed Healthcare82
Tier 2Managed Health Services5271
Tier 2Managed Healthcare - All else5272
Tier 1Management Consulting5273
Tier 1Manufactured Housing46
Tier 1Manufacturing Sector376
Tier 1Marinas177
Tier 1Market Research Services273
Tier 1Material Handling Equipment Distribution364
Tier 1Meat Products Manufacture20
Tier 1Medical & Imaging Laboratories83
Tier 2Medical Imaging equipment5274
Tier 2Medical & Imaging Laboratories - All else5275
Tier 1Medical Equipment Distributors84
Tier 1Medical Supplies and Devices85
Tier 2Medical Assistance products5276
Tier 2Medical Supplies and Devices - All else5277
Tier 1Metal Coating, Engraving, & Heat Treating130
Tier 1Metal Ore Mining131
Tier 1Metal Valve Manufacture132
Tier 1Mortgage Banking69
Tier 1Motor, Generator, Pump, and Compressor Mfg133
Tier 1Motorcycle Dealers223
Tier 1Motorcycle Manufacturing134
Tier 2Motorcycle accessories5278
Tier 2Motorcycle Manufacturing - All else5279
Tier 1Movie Theatres178
Tier 1Movies & TV Production and Distribution303
Tier 2Cinema Genre5280
Tier 3Action/thriller Cinema5281
Tier 3Comedy Cinema5282
Tier 3Drama Cinema5283
Tier 3Family/Kids Cinema5284
Tier 3War/Historical/Factual/Documentary Cinema5285
Tier 3Sci-Fi/Horror Cinema5286
Tier 3Cinema Genre - All else5287
Tier 2Ratings5288
Tier 3Rating: G5289
Tier 3Rating: PG5290
Tier 3Rating: PG-135291
Tier 3Rating: R5292
Tier 3Rating: NC-175293
Tier 3Ratings - All else5294
Tier 2DVD/video Genre5295
Tier 3Action/thriller5296
Tier 3Comedy5297
Tier 3Drama5298
Tier 3Family/Kids5299
Tier 3Sci-Fi/Horror5300
Tier 3Fitness/Health5301
Tier 3War/Historical/Factual/Documentary5302
Tier 3DVD/video gene - All else5303
Tier 2Movies & TV Production and Distribution - All else5304
Tier 1Moving and Storage336
Tier 2Delivery Services5305
Tier 1Municipal Governments179
Tier 2COI5306
Tier 2Anti- Drink & Drive5307
Tier 2Road Safety5308
Tier 2Anti-smoking ad5309
Tier 2Municipal Governments - All else5310
Tier 1Museums, Zoos, and Parks180
Tier 1Music Production and Distribution304
Tier 2Classical5311
Tier 2Concert5312
Tier 2Dance5313
Tier 2Disco5314
Tier 2Indie5315
Tier 2Kids Music5316
Tier 2Pop5317
Tier 2R&B5318
Tier 2Rap5319
Tier 2Rock5320
Tier 2Spoken5321
Tier 2Music Production and Distribution - All else5322
Tier 1Music Stores224
Tier 1Musical Instrument Manufacture135
Tier 1Musical Instrument Stores225
Tier 1Natural Gas Production and Distribution181
Tier 1Newspapers and News Organizations305
Tier 1Non-alcoholic beverages5323
Tier 2Water5324
Tier 2Soda5325
Tier 2Juice5326
Tier 2Milk5327
Tier 2Coffee5328
Tier 2Tea5329
Tier 2Energy drinks5330
Tier 2Non-alcoholic beverages - All else5331
Tier 1Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying338
Tier 1Nonprofit Institutions182
Tier 2Charity5332
Tier 2Issues and Awareness5333
Tier 2Nonprofit Institutions - All else5334
Tier 1Nurseries21
Tier 1Nursing Homes and Assisted Living86
Tier 1Office Supply and Paper Distribution367
Tier 2Stationary5335
Tier 2Writing instruments5336
Tier 2Office Supply and Paper Distribution - All else5337
Tier 1Oil and Gas Exploration and Production339
Tier 1Oil and Gas Field Services136
Tier 1Optometrists and Opticians87
Tier 1Outpatient Surgical Centers88
Tier 1Paint and Coating Manufacturing137
Tier 1Painting and Wall Covering Contractors47
Tier 1Paper Products Manufacture138
Tier 2Pawnbrokers5338
Tier 1Personnel Staffing Agencies274
Tier 2Temporary Staffing5339
Tier 2Job Searching and Career Management platforms5340
Tier 2Business Recruitment5341
Tier 2Personnel Staffing Agencies - All else5342
Tier 1Pest Control Services22
Tier 1Pet Food Manufacture139
Tier 1Pet Stores228
Tier 2Pet Litter5343
Tier 1Petroleum Refining140
Tier 1Petroleum Wholesale Distribution342
Tier 1Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - over the counter373
Tier 2Cough Flu-analgesics5344
Tier 2Anti-smoking aid5345
Tier 2Disinfectant/antiseptic5346
Tier 2Hearing devices5347
Tier 2Digestion/Laxative5348
Tier 2Vitamins5349
Tier 2Allergy5350
Tier 2Condom5351
Tier 2Contraception5352
Tier 2Foot care5353
Tier 2Optical5354
Tier 2Men's Health5355
Tier 2Indigestion5356
Tier 2Painkiller5357
Tier 2Bandages5358
Tier 2Pregnancy Test5359
Tier 2Non-FDA approved Drugs5360
Tier 2Sleep Remedy5361
Tier 2Nasal products5362
Tier 2Insect Repellants5363
Tier 2Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - over the counter - All else5364
Tier 1Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - prescription89
Tier 2Painkillers Prescription5365
Tier 2Sleep Remedy Prescription5366
Tier 2Allergy Prescription5367
Tier 2Erectile Dysfunction products Prescription5368
Tier 2Cough Flu-analgesics Prescription5369
Tier 2Cancer Prescription9059
Tier 2Arthritis Prescription9060
Tier 2HIV & Aids Prescription9061
Tier 2Infectious Diseases & Viruses Prescription9062
Tier 2Asthma Prescription9063
Tier 2Blood Sugar & Diabetes Prescription9064
Tier 2Skin Conditions Prescription9065
Tier 2Mental Health Prescription9066
Tier 2Heart and Cardiovascular Prescription9067
Tier 2Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - prescription - All else5370
Tier 1Photo Studios and Commercial Photography276
Tier 1Photofinishing and Camera Stores229
Tier 1Physician Offices90
Tier 1Piracy5371
Tier 1Plastic and Rubber Products Manufacturing142
Tier 1Plastic Resins & Synthetic Fibers143
Tier 1Politicians378
Tier 1Poultry Processing23
Tier 1Primary Metals Manufacturing144
Tier 1Private Schools K-12183
Tier 1Professional Services277
Tier 1Professional Sports Teams and Organizations184
Tier 2Athletic Governing Bodies5372
Tier 1Public Relations306
Tier 1Public Schools K-12185
Tier 1Pulp and Paper Mills145
Tier 1Radio Broadcasting and Programming307
Tier 1Railroad Equipment Manufacturing146
Tier 1Railroads343
Tier 1Real Estate Brokerage and Management48
Tier 2Real Estate - Housing5373
Tier 2Real Estate - Offices5374
Tier 2Real Estate Agencies5375
Tier 2Real Estate Brokerage and Management - All else5376
Tier 1Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)49
Tier 1Recreational Vehicle Dealers230
Tier 1Recreational Vehicle Manufacture147
Tier 1Recreational Vehicle Parks186
Tier 1Rehabilitation Therapy Practices91
Tier 1Residential Real Estate Construction50
Tier 1Restaurants24
Tier 2Take out Restaurants5377
Tier 2Food delivery Service5378
Tier 2Restaurants - All else5379
Tier 1Retail and General Merchandise389
Tier 2Teleshopping5380
Tier 1Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Contractors51
Tier 1Sales Promotion Services308
Tier 1Sawmills and Plywood Mills148
Tier 1Scrap Metals-Recycling149
Tier 1Search, Detection, and Navigation Equipment Manufacture150
Tier 1Securities Brokers71
Tier 1Security System Services52
Tier 2Household security5381
Tier 2Fire Alarms5382
Tier 2Security System Services - All else5383
Tier 1Toiletries5384
Tier 2Anti-persperant/Deodorant/ Body Spray5385
Tier 2Dental Products (toothpaste, toothbrush, floss etc.)5386
Tier 2Men's shaving products5387
Tier 2Women's shaving products5388
Tier 2Children's toiletries5389
Tier 2Cleanser/acne cream5390
Tier 2Body wash and Soap5391
Tier 2Personal care baby products5392
Tier 2Toiletries - All else5393
Tier 1Shoe Stores232
Tier 1Site Preparation Contractors53
Tier 1Ski Facilities187
Tier 1Soap and Detergent Manufacture151
Tier 1Spa Services188
Tier 1Specialty Food Stores233
Tier 2Non-Allergy5394
Tier 2Health Food Store5395
Tier 2Specialty Food Stores - All else5396
Tier 1Specialty Retail234
Tier 1Spirits, Liquor Producers & Distilleries377
Tier 2Beer/Cider/Lager Producer & Distillery5397
Tier 2Wine Producer & Distillery5398
Tier 2Spirits Producer & Distillery5399
Tier 2Spirits, Liquor Producers & Distilleries - All else5400
Tier 1Sporting Goods Retailers189
Tier 2indoor sports equipment5401
Tier 2outdoor sports equipment5402
Tier 3Golf Accessories5403
Tier 3Golf Apparel5404
Tier 3Golf Bags5405
Tier 3Golf Balls5406
Tier 3Golf Carts5407
Tier 3Golf Clubs5408
Tier 3Golf Gloves5409
Tier 3Golf GPS/Rangefinder5410
Tier 3Golf Grips5411
Tier 3Golf Shafts5412
Tier 3Golf Shoes5413
Tier 3Golf Training Aids5414
Tier 3Tennis Equipment5415
Tier 2Sporting Goods Retailers - All else5416
Tier 1Sports Betting5417
Tier 1State and Federal Government379
Tier 1Steel Distribution371
Tier 1Structural Metals Manufacture54
Tier 1Sugar Manufacturing25
Tier 1Taxi and Limousine Services280
Tier 1Technology Sector310
Tier 1Telecommunication Services281
Tier 2Telephone Networks5418
Tier 2Telephone Stores5419
Tier 2Telecommunication Services - All else5420
Tier 1Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers154
Tier 2Telephone Accessories5421
Tier 2Handset/Mobile5422
Tier 2Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers - All else5423
Tier 1Telemarketing Services282
Tier 1Testing Laboratories283
Tier 1Textile Manufacturing155
Tier 1Timber Operations26
Tier 1Tire Dealers236
Tier 1Tire Manufacturers156
Tier 1Tire Wholesalers372
Tier 1Title Insurance Services55
Tier 1Tobacco & Smoking Paraphernalia381
Tier 2e-cigarette5424
Tier 2Marijuana5425
Tier 2Tobacco & Smoking Paraphernalia - All else5426
Tier 1Tobacco Manufacture27
Tier 1Toy and Hobby Stores237
Tier 2Gaming consoles Store5427
Tier 2Boy toys Store5428
Tier 2Girl Toys Store5429
Tier 2Boy and girl toys Store5430
Tier 2Board games Store5431
Tier 2Toys for newborns5432
Tier 2Toy and Hobby Stores - All else5433
Tier 1Toy Manufacture158
Tier 2Gaming Consoles5434
Tier 2Boy toys5435
Tier 2Girl Toys5436
Tier 2Boy and girl toys5437
Tier 2Board games5438
Tier 3Board game - Child 4-8 yrs.5439
Tier 3Board game - Child 8-12 yrs.5440
Tier 3Board game - Adult5441
Tier 3Board games - All else5442
Tier 2Baby Toys (0-3 yrs.)5443
Tier 2Educational5444
Tier 2Creative5445
Tier 2Collectibles5446
Tier 2Playdoh5447
Tier 2Role Play/Pretend Play5448
Tier 2Dolls5449
Tier 2Cars/Trucks/Trains5450
Tier 2Car playset/Remote Control5451
Tier 2Construction Set5452
Tier 2Paint/Draw5453
Tier 2Beads/Fashion5454
Tier 2Action Figure5455
Tier 2Cooking Set5456
Tier 2Kites/Gliders5457
Tier 2Outdoor5458
Tier 2Robot5459
Tier 2Skateboard/Scooter5460
Tier 2Soft Toys5461
Tier 2Toy Manufacture - All else5462
Tier 1Travel Agencies and Services190
Tier 2Tourism5463
Tier 1Truck and Bus Manufacturing159
Tier 1Trucking347
Tier 1TV Cable, Pay & Broadcast Networks312
Tier 2TV Licensing5464
Tier 1Used Merchandise Stores238
Tier 1Venture Capital73
Tier 1Veterinary Services28
Tier 2Pet Medicine5465
Tier 2Veterinary Services - All else5466
Tier 1Warehouse Clubs and Superstores239
Tier 1Warehousing and Storage348
Tier 1Waste Management191
Tier 1Water & Sewer Utilities192
Tier 1Wineries29
Tier 1Wired Telecommunications Carriers314
Tier 1Wireless Telecommunications Services315
Tier 1Wood Flooring Manufacture56
Tier 2Adult Contemporary9150
Tier 2Alcohol Dependence9291
Tier 2Alcopop9138
Tier 2Anti-Diarrhea9285
Tier 2Anti-Nausea9286
Tier 2Anti-Snoring9284
Tier 2Antivirus Software9162
Tier 3Appetizers and Dips9227
Tier 2Appliance Repair9358
Tier 2Audio Accessories9328
Tier 1Automotive Roadside Assistance9143
Tier 3Baby and Toddler Furniture9249
Tier 1Baby and Toddler Products9174
Tier 2Baby and Toddler Products - All else9367
Tier 2Baby Bath Products9183
Tier 2Baby Bouncers and Rockers9179
Tier 2Baby Carriers9180
Tier 2Baby Gift Sets9175
Tier 2Baby Safety Products9177
Tier 2Ball Game9205
Tier 2Bathroom Accessories9339
Tier 3BBQ, Grills, Outdoor Dining9250
Tier 1Beauty Salon9329
Tier 3Beds and Accessories9251
Tier 3Benches9252
Tier 2Body Scrubbers and Massage Devices9262
Tier 2Boots9335
Tier 3Bread9137
Tier 2Browsers9163
Tier 2Budget Cars9314
Tier 3Cabinets and Storage9253
Tier 2Cameras and Accessories9203
Tier 2Carpet Cleaner9219
Tier 1Carpeting and Flooring Services9268
Tier 2Carpets and Rugs9247
Tier 3Chairs9254
Tier 2Chocolate Spread9235
Tier 2City Cars9317
Tier 3Clothes Dryers9366
Tier 3Clothes Washing Machine9173
Tier 2Clothing General9185
Tier 2Clothing Subscriptions9346
Tier 2Cloud Services9283
Tier 2Compotes9237
Tier 2Computer Animation9164
Tier 3Computer Games9309
Tier 2Connected Wearables9293
Tier 3Console Games9310
Tier 3Cosmetics - Nail9279
Tier 2Crossover9315
Tier 2Databases9165
Tier 2Department Stores9325
Tier 2Department Stores & Discount Stores - All else9357
Tier 2Desktop Publishing9166
Tier 2Diapers9176
Tier 2Digital Audio9167
Tier 1Digital Goods and Currency9172
Tier 2Digital Media and Game Virtual Store9298
Tier 2Directory Assistance Services9142
Tier 2Discount and Warehouse Sales9327
Tier 2Dishwasher9263
Tier 2Dishwasher Powder9187
Tier 2DIY Store9222
Tier 2Domestic Travel9207
Tier 2Dress Shoes9336
Tier 2Ear Products9331
Tier 2Electronic Toy9152
Tier 3Entertainment Centers and TV Stands9255
Tier 2Entremets9238
Tier 2Exchange Programs9271
Tier 2Eye Cream9280
Tier 2Facial Tissue9204
Tier 3Fashion dolls9200
Tier 2Fireplaces9243
Tier 2Flavored Milk and Milk Drinks9234
Tier 2Flavored Water9267
Tier 2Floor Cleaner9220
Tier 3Floss9193
Tier 2Foils and Wraps9273
Tier 2Footwear Manufacture, Wholesale, and Retail - All else9214
Tier 3Fresh Fruit9304
Tier 3Fresh Vegetables9186
Tier 2Furniture9248
Tier 2Furniture Polish9146
Tier 3Furniture Sets9256
Tier 2Games by Platform9308
Tier 3Games by Platform - All else9313
Tier 1Gift and Holiday Products9359
Tier 2Gift Baskets9360
Tier 2Gift Cards and Coupons9361
Tier 2Gift Certificates9362
Tier 2Gift Services9333
Tier 3Golf Putter9218
Tier 2Golf Store9194
Tier 2Graphics Software9168
Tier 2Greeting Cards9363
Tier 2Grocery Stores9355
Tier 2Grocery Subscriptions9347
Tier 3Handheld Console Games9311
Tier 2Hemorrhoid Prescription9290
Tier 2Herbs and Spices9230
Tier 2High Chairs and Boosters9181
Tier 2Holiday and Ethnic Items9364
Tier 2Holiday Vacation Travel9156
Tier 2Home Centers and Hardware Stores - All else9306
Tier 2Home Decor9340
Tier 1Home Goods Store9224
Tier 1Home Products9342
Tier 2Home Products - All else9338
Tier 2Home Repair9332
Tier 2Home/Office Networking9282
Tier 2Hosiery9276
Tier 2Hotel and Motel - Lodging - All else9334
Tier 2Hotels9209
Tier 2Housewares9246
Tier 2Incontinence Products9278
Tier 2Injury Health Claims9184
Tier 3Interactive Feature Dolls9201
Tier 2Interactive Toy9153
Tier 2International Travel9208
Tier 3Ketchup9225
Tier 2Kettle9265
Tier 2Kitchen and Dining Products9341
Tier 2Language Learning9269
Tier 2Laundry Care9275
Tier 2Lawnmower9216
Tier 2Legal Services - All else9369
Tier 2Lighting9244
Tier 2Linens and Bedding9245
Tier 2Liqueur9140
Tier 2Local Stores9326
Tier 2Luxury Cars9316
Tier 2Makeup and Beauty Subscriptions9348
Tier 3Mayonnaise, Cold Sauces9226
Tier 2Meal Kit Services9292
Tier 3Meat and Poultry Meals9240
Tier 2Media Content TV Channel9221
Tier 3Men's Perfume - Luxury9320
Tier 2Menopause9289
Tier 2Menopause Prescription9288
Tier 2Messaging Software9171
Tier 2Micro Cars9318
Tier 3Mini, Micro, and Pocket Dolls9202
Tier 3Mobile Games9307
Tier 2Motels9211
Tier 2Musical Toy9154
Tier 3Mustard9231
Tier 2Non-Alcoholic Aperitifs, Beer, Wine, and Mocktails9266
Tier 3Non-Dairy Milk Substitute9305
Tier 2Nougat9236
Tier 2Nursing and Feeding Products9178
Tier 2Online Advertising Services9295
Tier 2Online Travel Services9213
Tier 2Operating Systems9169
Tier 3Outdoor Furniture9257
Tier 2Oysters and Shellfish9303
Tier 2Paint and Paint Accessories9302
Tier 2Party Goods9365
Tier 3Pasta9343
Tier 2Personal Audio9141
Tier 2Personal Care Subscriptions9350
Tier 2Pest Control9274
Tier 2Pet Breeders9370
Tier 1Pet Care and Services9190
Tier 2Pet Care and Services - All else9375
Tier 2Pet Food and Supply Subscriptions9349
Tier 2Pet Grooming9371
Tier 2Pet Sitting9372
Tier 2Pet Supplies9373
Tier 2Pet Treats9374
Tier 2Photo Editing Software9158
Tier 3Pickles, Relish, Olives9229
Tier 1Pool and Spa Installation and Maintenance9261
Tier 3Prepared Salads9241
Tier 2Pressure Washer9147
Tier 2Productivity Software9170
Tier 2Professional Schools9270
Tier 2Rail Travel9212
Tier 1Recreational Sports Equipment9188
Tier 1Recycling9330
Tier 2Resorts9210
Tier 2Retail and General Merchandise - All else9356
Tier 1Retail Subscription Services9345
Tier 2Retail Subscription Services - All else9353
Tier 2Retro9151
Tier 3Rice9344
Tier 3Salad Dressing9228
Tier 2Salts9232
Tier 2Sewing Machine9264
Tier 2Shareware and Freeware9159
Tier 3Shelving9258
Tier 2Shopping Centers9324
Tier 2Snack Bars, Granola Bars9299
Tier 2Snacks9139
Tier 3Sofas9259
Tier 1Software Applications9157
Tier 2Software Applications - All else9354
Tier 2Sport Footwear9215
Tier 2Streaming Service9297
Tier 2Strimmer9217
Tier 2Strollers and Joggers9182
Tier 2Sugars and Sweeteners9145
Tier 2Supermarkets9323
Tier 3Tables9260
Tier 3Teeth Whiteners9281
Tier 2Theme Park9189
Tier 2Thrush Prescription9149
Tier 2Toilet Tissue9277
Tier 2Toilet Training Products9368
Tier 3Toothbrush9192
Tier 3Toothpaste9191
Tier 3Toy Cars9195
Tier 3Toy Construction Over 7 years9198
Tier 3Toy Construction Under 7 years9199
Tier 3Toy Trains9197
Tier 3Toy Trucks9196
Tier 2Trading Cards9223
Tier 1Travel9206
Tier 2Travel - All else9300
Tier 2Travel Accessories9155
Tier 2Tutoring Services9272
Tier 2TV Cable, Pay & Broadcast Networks - All else9337
Tier 3Unisex Perfume9321
Tier 3Unisex Perfume - Luxury9322
Tier 2Vaccines9287
Tier 3Vegetarian Meals9239
Tier 2Video Software9160
Tier 3Vinegar9233
Tier 1Virtual and Augmented Reality Devices9294
Tier 3Virtual Reality Games9312
Tier 2Vitamin and Supplement Subscriptions9351
Tier 2Water Purifier9148
Tier 2Web Conferencing9161
Tier 2Web Hosting9296
Tier 2Window and Glass Treatments9301
Tier 2Window Installation and Treatments9144
Tier 2Wine Subscriptions9352
Tier 3Women's Perfume - Luxury9319
Tier 2Yogurt Drinks, Flavored, and Low Fat9242

Platform IDs

Click to expand
Platform IDNameCategory
283AdManager-Enabled AppPRODUCT
3Google ChromePRODUCT
1Internet Explorer (all versions)PRODUCT
1175iOS - SafariPRODUCT
27Linux-Google ChromePRODUCT
20Mac OS-ChromePRODUCT
18Mac OS-FirefoxPRODUCT
19Mac OS-SafariPRODUCT
1043Microsoft Edge (all versions)PRODUCT
1187Windows-Internet ExplorerPRODUCT
263Apple iOSOS
285Blackberry OSOS
9Google AndroidOS
6Microsoft Windows (all desktop)OS
284Microsoft Windows PhoneOS
1250Roku OSOS
1182Acer TabletDEVICE
1184Alcatel PhonesDEVICE
1207Alcatel TabletDEVICE
278Amazon KindleDEVICE
1220Amazon PhonesDEVICE
1218Amazon TabletDEVICE
1214Asus PhonesDEVICE
1202Asus TabletDEVICE
1216B&N NookDEVICE
1183Blackberry TabletDEVICE
1190Casio PhonesDEVICE
1211Coolpad PhonesDEVICE
1176Danger PhonesDEVICE
99Dell PhonesDEVICE
1219DigiLand TabletDEVICE
1200ECS TabletDEVICE
789Google app runtimeDEVICE
1195Google PhonesDEVICE
1179Google TabletDEVICE
1198HTC TabletDEVICE
100Huawei PhonesDEVICE
1180Kyocera PhonesDEVICE
1215Lanix PhonesDEVICE
1193Lenovo PhonesDEVICE
1204Lenovo TabletDEVICE
1186LG TabletDEVICE
1199M4Tel PhonesDEVICE
1197Matricom TV BoxDEVICE
1188Microsoft TabletDEVICE
42Motorola PhonesDEVICE
1192Motorola TabletDEVICE
1208Nextbook TabletDEVICE
44Nokia PhonesDEVICE
1181OnePlus PhonesDEVICE
809OTT-Amazon Fire TVDEVICE
735OTT-Apple Apple TVDEVICE
1239OTT-Comcast X1DEVICE
818OTT-Google ChromecastDEVICE
853OTT-Microsoft XboxDEVICE
231OTT-Nintendo 3DSDEVICE
138OTT-Nintendo WiiDEVICE
1145OTT-Samsung Smart TVDEVICE
1248OTT-Shield Android TVDEVICE
1245OTT-Sony BraviaDEVICE
1206OTT-Sony PlaystationDEVICE
1212Palm PhonesDEVICE
1213RCA TabletDEVICE
47RIM Blackberry PhonesDEVICE
46Samsung PhonesDEVICE
1210Samsung TabletDEVICE
41Sanyo PhonesDEVICE
1191Sharp PhonesDEVICE
101SonyEricsson PhonesDEVICE
1350STB/Linear LiveDEVICE
1205Tesco TabletDEVICE
1185Toshiba TabletDEVICE
1189Verizon TabletDEVICE
1196Vizio TabletDEVICE
1209Wiko PhonesDEVICE
1194ZTE PhonesDEVICE

Public Industry IDs

Click to expand
IDIndustry DescriptionCategory
2Agriculture Livestock ProductionMRM Industry
3BakeriesMRM Industry
4Beef Cattle RanchingMRM Industry
6Beverage Manufacture and BottlingMRM Industry
7Biotechnology SectorMRM Industry
8BreweriesMRM Industry
9Chemical Manufacturing - AgriculturalMRM Industry
10Coffee and Tea ManufactureMRM Industry
11Commercial Fishing and Seafood DistributionMRM Industry
12Dairy Products ManufactureMRM Industry
14Farm Equipment Manufacture and DistributionMRM Industry
15Fast Food and Quickservice RestaurantsMRM Industry
16Food DistributorsMRM Industry
17Food Service ContractorsMRM Industry
18Fruit and Vegetable ProcessingMRM Industry
19Grocery Stores and SupermarketsMRM Industry
20Meat Products ManufactureMRM Industry
21NurseriesMRM Industry
22Pest Control ServicesMRM Industry
23Poultry ProcessingMRM Industry
24RestaurantsMRM Industry
25Sugar ManufacturingMRM Industry
26Timber OperationsMRM Industry
27Tobacco ManufactureMRM Industry
28Veterinary ServicesMRM Industry
29WineriesMRM Industry
30Architects OfficesMRM Industry
31Building Material SupplyMRM Industry
32Cement, Concrete and Construction MaterialMRM Industry
33Commercial Construction ContractorsMRM Industry
34Concrete and Masonry ContractorsMRM Industry
35Construction Machinery ManufacturingMRM Industry
36Drywall, Plaster, Acoustic & Insulation ContractorsMRM Industry
37Electrical ContractorsMRM Industry
38Engineering ServicesMRM Industry
39Erosion ControlMRM Industry
40Framing ContractorsMRM Industry
41Government ContractorsMRM Industry
42Highway and Street ConstructionMRM Industry
43HVAC and Plumbing ContractorsMRM Industry
44Landscaping ServicesMRM Industry
45Lumber WholesalersMRM Industry
46Manufactured HousingMRM Industry
47Painting and Wall Covering ContractorsMRM Industry
48Real Estate Brokerage and ManagementMRM Industry
49Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)MRM Industry
50Residential Real Estate ConstructionMRM Industry
51Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal ContractorsMRM Industry
52Security System ServicesMRM Industry
53Site Preparation ContractorsMRM Industry
54Structural Metals ManufactureMRM Industry
55Title Insurance ServicesMRM Industry
56Wood Flooring ManufactureMRM Industry
57Accounting ServicesMRM Industry
58Banks and Credit UnionsMRM Industry
59Consulting ServicesMRM Industry
60Consumer FinanceMRM Industry
61Credit Card ProcessingMRM Industry
62Credit Collections and ServicesMRM Industry
63Financial Planners and Investment AdvisorsMRM Industry
64Hedge Fund ManagementMRM Industry
65Insurance AgenciesMRM Industry
66Insurance CarriersMRM Industry
67Investment BankingMRM Industry
68Legal ServicesMRM Industry
69Mortgage BankingMRM Industry
71Securities BrokersMRM Industry
73Venture CapitalMRM Industry
74Chiropractor OfficesMRM Industry
75Dentists Offices & ClinicsMRM Industry
76DrugstoresMRM Industry
77Health Fundraising OrganizationsMRM Industry
78HealthcareMRM Industry
79Home Healthcare ServicesMRM Industry
80HospitalsMRM Industry
81Kidney Dialysis CentersMRM Industry
82Managed HealthcareMRM Industry
83Medical & Imaging LaboratoriesMRM Industry
84Medical Equipment DistributorsMRM Industry
85Medical Supplies and DevicesMRM Industry
86Nursing Homes and Assisted LivingMRM Industry
87Optometrists and OpticiansMRM Industry
88Outpatient Surgical CentersMRM Industry
89Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - PrescriptionMRM Industry
90Physician OfficesMRM Industry
91Rehabilitation Therapy PracticesMRM Industry
92Abrasives ManufactureMRM Industry
93Aerospace Products and Parts ManufactureMRM Industry
94Aircraft Parts ManufactureMRM Industry
95Apparel ManufactureMRM Industry
96Automobile ManufactureMRM Industry
97Automobile Parts and Accessories ManufactureMRM Industry
98Battery ManufactureMRM Industry
100Boat BuildingMRM Industry
104Chemical Manufacturing - IndustrialMRM Industry
105ChemicalsMRM Industry
107Commercial PrintingMRM Industry
108Computer ManufactureMRM Industry
111Electronic Components & Semiconductor ManufactureMRM Industry
112Electronic Gaming ProductsMRM Industry
113Fabricated Metal Parts ManufacturingMRM Industry
115Fitness EquipmentMRM Industry
116Floor CoveringsMRM Industry
117Footwear Manufacture, Wholesale, and RetailMRM Industry
119Furniture ManufacturingMRM Industry
120Glass and Fiber Optic ManufacturingMRM Industry
121Gun ManufacturingMRM Industry
122Handtool and Cutlery ManufactureMRM Industry
123Household Appliance ManufactureMRM Industry
124Industrial Machinery ManufacturingMRM Industry
125Lighting Equipment ManufactureMRM Industry
126Machine ShopsMRM Industry
127Machine Tool ManufactureMRM Industry
130Metal Coating, Engraving, & Heat TreatingMRM Industry
131Metal Ore MiningMRM Industry
132Metal Valve ManufactureMRM Industry
133Motor, Generator, Pump, and Compressor MfgMRM Industry
134Motorcycle ManufacturingMRM Industry
135Musical Instrument ManufactureMRM Industry
136Oil and Gas Field ServicesMRM Industry
137Paint and Coating ManufacturingMRM Industry
138Paper Products ManufactureMRM Industry
139Pet Food ManufactureMRM Industry
140Petroleum RefiningMRM Industry
142Plastic and Rubber Products ManufacturingMRM Industry
143Plastic Resins & Synthetic FibersMRM Industry
144Primary Metals ManufacturingMRM Industry
145Pulp and Paper MillsMRM Industry
146Railroad Equipment ManufacturingMRM Industry
147Recreational Vehicle ManufactureMRM Industry
148Sawmills and Plywood MillsMRM Industry
149Scrap Metals-RecyclingMRM Industry
150Search, Detection, and Navigation Equipment ManufactureMRM Industry
151Soap and Detergent ManufactureMRM Industry
154Telecommunications Equipment ManufacturersMRM Industry
155Textile ManufacturingMRM Industry
156Tire ManufacturersMRM Industry
158Toy ManufactureMRM Industry
159Truck and Bus ManufacturingMRM Industry
161Amusement Parks & ArcadesMRM Industry
162Bed and Breakfast InnsMRM Industry
163Boat DealersMRM Industry
164Bowling CentersMRM Industry
165Child-care FacilitiesMRM Industry
166Churches & Religious GroupsMRM Industry
167Colleges and UniversitiesMRM Industry
168Community CollegesMRM Industry
169Education and Training ServicesMRM Industry
170Electric Energy DistributionMRM Industry
171Fitness CentersMRM Industry
173Gambling OperationsMRM Industry
174Golf CoursesMRM Industry
176Local Bus TransportationMRM Industry
177MarinasMRM Industry
178Movie TheatresMRM Industry
179Municipal GovernmentsMRM Industry
180Museums, Zoos, and ParksMRM Industry
181Natural Gas Production and DistributionMRM Industry
182Nonprofit InstitutionsMRM Industry
183Private Schools K-12MRM Industry
184Professional Sports Teams and OrganizationsMRM Industry
185Public Schools K-12MRM Industry
186Recreational Vehicle ParksMRM Industry
187Ski FacilitiesMRM Industry
188Spa ServicesMRM Industry
189Sporting Goods RetailersMRM Industry
190Travel Agencies and ServicesMRM Industry
191Waste ManagementMRM Industry
192Water & Sewer UtilitiesMRM Industry
193Automobile Dealers - LuxuryMRM Industry
194Automobile DealershipsMRM Industry
195Automobile Parts Wholesale-RetailMRM Industry
197Bars and NightclubsMRM Industry
198Beer, Wine, and Liquor StoresMRM Industry
200BookstoresMRM Industry
202Clothing StoresMRM Industry
203Coffee ShopsMRM Industry
204Computer and Software StoresMRM Industry
205Consumer Electronics StoresMRM Industry
206Convenience Stores and Gas StationsMRM Industry
207Cosmetics, Beauty Supply, and Perfume StoresMRM Industry
208Department Stores & Discount StoresMRM Industry
212FloristsMRM Industry
214Fuel Oil and LP Gas DealersMRM Industry
215Furniture StoresMRM Industry
216Gift and Souvenir StoresMRM Industry
218Home Centers and Hardware StoresMRM Industry
219Home Furnishings StoresMRM Industry
220Household Appliance StoresMRM Industry
221Internet and Catalog RetailersMRM Industry
222Jewelry RetailMRM Industry
223Motorcycle DealersMRM Industry
224Music StoresMRM Industry
225Musical Instrument StoresMRM Industry
228Pet StoresMRM Industry
229Photofinishing and Camera StoresMRM Industry
230Recreational Vehicle DealersMRM Industry
232Shoe StoresMRM Industry
233Specialty Food StoresMRM Industry
234Specialty RetailMRM Industry
236Tire DealersMRM Industry
237Toy and Hobby StoresMRM Industry
238Used Merchandise StoresMRM Industry
239Warehouse Clubs and SuperstoresMRM Industry
241Advertising and MarketingMRM Industry
242Air Charter ServicesMRM Industry
244Automobile Rental and LeasingMRM Industry
245Automotive Repair ShopsMRM Industry
246Aviation ServicesMRM Industry
248Car WashesMRM Industry
249Catering ServicesMRM Industry
251Commercial and Industrial Equipment RentalMRM Industry
255Direct Marketing ServicesMRM Industry
256Dry Cleaning and Laundry FacilitiesMRM Industry
259Fast Lube / Auto Oil Change ServiceMRM Industry
263Freight Shipping ServicesMRM Industry
264Funeral OperationsMRM Industry
265Hair Care ServicesMRM Industry
266Hotel and Motel - LodgingMRM Industry
267Interior Design ServicesMRM Industry
268Internet Service ProvidersMRM Industry
269Janitorial Services and Carpet CleaningMRM Industry
272Linen and Uniform Supply ServicesMRM Industry
273Market Research ServicesMRM Industry
274Personnel Staffing AgenciesMRM Industry
276Photo Studios and Commercial PhotographyMRM Industry
277Professional ServicesMRM Industry
280Taxi and Limousine ServicesMRM Industry
281Telecommunication ServicesMRM Industry
282Telemarketing ServicesMRM Industry
283Testing LaboratoriesMRM Industry
290Book PublishersMRM Industry
291Computer and Office Equipment DistributorsMRM Industry
293Computer Software DevelopmentMRM Industry
296Entertainment and Games SoftwareMRM Industry
298Graphic Design ServicesMRM Industry
299Information TechnologyMRM Industry
301Magazine PublishersMRM Industry
303Movies & TV Production and DistributionMRM Industry
304Music Production and DistributionMRM Industry
305Newspapers and News OrganizationsMRM Industry
306Public RelationsMRM Industry
307Radio Broadcasting and ProgrammingMRM Industry
308Sales Promotion ServicesMRM Industry
310Technology SectorMRM Industry
312TV Cable, Pay & Broadcast NetworksMRM Industry
314Wired Telecommunications CarriersMRM Industry
315Wireless Telecommunications ServicesMRM Industry
319AirlinesMRM Industry
324Biofuels ProductionMRM Industry
325Coal MiningMRM Industry
327Deep Sea ShippingMRM Industry
329Electric Power GenerationMRM Industry
336Moving and StorageMRM Industry
338Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and QuarryingMRM Industry
339Oil and Gas Exploration and ProductionMRM Industry
342Petroleum Wholesale DistributionMRM Industry
343RailroadsMRM Industry
347TruckingMRM Industry
348Warehousing and StorageMRM Industry
352Chemicals DistributorsMRM Industry
356Electrical, Plumbing, and Hardware DistributorsMRM Industry
357Electronic Components & Semiconductor WholesalersMRM Industry
361Industrial Machinery WholesalersMRM Industry
362Industrial Supply WholesalersMRM Industry
364Material Handling Equipment DistributionMRM Industry
367Office Supply and Paper DistributionMRM Industry
371Steel DistributionMRM Industry
372Tire WholesalersMRM Industry
373Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - Over the CounterMRM Industry
374Consumer Product RentalIndustry Group
375Inland Barge TransportIndustry Group
376Manufacturing SectorIndustry Group
377Spirits, Liquor Producers & DistilleriesIndustry Group
378PoliticiansIndustry Group
379State and Federal GovernmentIndustry Group
380Armed ForcesIndustry Group
381Tobacco & Smoking ParaphenaliaIndustry Group
382Adult Entertainment and ParaphenaliaIndustry Group
383Feminine Hygiene ProductsIndustry Group
384Birth Control ProductsIndustry Group
385Entertainment and Performance ArtsIndustry Group
386Financial ServicesIndustry Group
387Food - CandyIndustry Group
388Food - PackagedIndustry Group
389Retail and General MerchandiseIndustry Group
390ManufacturingIndustry Group
391Financial ServicesIndustry Group
392EntertainmentIndustry Group
393Business ServicesIndustry Group
394FoodIndustry Group
395Travel/Hotels/AirlinesIndustry Group
396Amusement and RecreationIndustry Group
397ApparelIndustry Group
398Government/MunicipalIndustry Group
399AutomotiveIndustry Group
400Beer/Wine/LiquorIndustry Group

Industry Group IDs

Click to expand
IDIndustry DescriptionCategory
2Agriculture Livestock ProductionMRM Industry
3BakeriesMRM Industry
4Beef Cattle RanchingMRM Industry
6Beverage Manufacture and BottlingMRM Industry
7Biotechnology SectorMRM Industry
8BreweriesMRM Industry
9Chemical Manufacturing - AgriculturalMRM Industry
10Coffee and Tea ManufactureMRM Industry
11Commercial Fishing and Seafood DistributionMRM Industry
12Dairy Products ManufactureMRM Industry
14Farm Equipment Manufacture and DistributionMRM Industry
15Fast Food and Quickservice RestaurantsMRM Industry
16Food DistributorsMRM Industry
17Food Service ContractorsMRM Industry
18Fruit and Vegetable ProcessingMRM Industry
19Grocery Stores and SupermarketsMRM Industry
20Meat Products ManufactureMRM Industry
21NurseriesMRM Industry
22Pest Control ServicesMRM Industry
23Poultry ProcessingMRM Industry
24RestaurantsMRM Industry
25Sugar ManufacturingMRM Industry
26Timber OperationsMRM Industry
27Tobacco ManufactureMRM Industry
28Veterinary ServicesMRM Industry
29WineriesMRM Industry
30Architects OfficesMRM Industry
31Building Material SupplyMRM Industry
32Cement, Concrete and Construction MaterialMRM Industry
33Commercial Construction ContractorsMRM Industry
34Concrete and Masonry ContractorsMRM Industry
35Construction Machinery ManufacturingMRM Industry
36Drywall, Plaster, Acoustic & Insulation ContractorsMRM Industry
37Electrical ContractorsMRM Industry
38Engineering ServicesMRM Industry
39Erosion ControlMRM Industry
40Framing ContractorsMRM Industry
41Government ContractorsMRM Industry
42Highway and Street ConstructionMRM Industry
43HVAC and Plumbing ContractorsMRM Industry
44Landscaping ServicesMRM Industry
45Lumber WholesalersMRM Industry
46Manufactured HousingMRM Industry
47Painting and Wall Covering ContractorsMRM Industry
48Real Estate Brokerage and ManagementMRM Industry
49Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)MRM Industry
50Residential Real Estate ConstructionMRM Industry
51Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal ContractorsMRM Industry
52Security System ServicesMRM Industry
53Site Preparation ContractorsMRM Industry
54Structural Metals ManufactureMRM Industry
55Title Insurance ServicesMRM Industry
56Wood Flooring ManufactureMRM Industry
57Accounting ServicesMRM Industry
58Banks and Credit UnionsMRM Industry
59Consulting ServicesMRM Industry
60Consumer FinanceMRM Industry
61Credit Card ProcessingMRM Industry
62Credit Collections and ServicesMRM Industry
63Financial Planners and Investment AdvisorsMRM Industry
64Hedge Fund ManagementMRM Industry
65Insurance AgenciesMRM Industry
66Insurance CarriersMRM Industry
67Investment BankingMRM Industry
68Legal ServicesMRM Industry
69Mortgage BankingMRM Industry
71Securities BrokersMRM Industry
73Venture CapitalMRM Industry
74Chiropractor OfficesMRM Industry
75Dentists Offices & ClinicsMRM Industry
76DrugstoresMRM Industry
77Health Fundraising OrganizationsMRM Industry
78HealthcareMRM Industry
79Home Healthcare ServicesMRM Industry
80HospitalsMRM Industry
81Kidney Dialysis CentersMRM Industry
82Managed HealthcareMRM Industry
83Medical & Imaging LaboratoriesMRM Industry
84Medical Equipment DistributorsMRM Industry
85Medical Supplies and DevicesMRM Industry
86Nursing Homes and Assisted LivingMRM Industry
87Optometrists and OpticiansMRM Industry
88Outpatient Surgical CentersMRM Industry
89Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - PrescriptionMRM Industry
90Physician OfficesMRM Industry
91Rehabilitation Therapy PracticesMRM Industry
92Abrasives ManufactureMRM Industry
93Aerospace Products and Parts ManufactureMRM Industry
94Aircraft Parts ManufactureMRM Industry
95Apparel ManufactureMRM Industry
96Automobile ManufactureMRM Industry
97Automobile Parts and Accessories ManufactureMRM Industry
98Battery ManufactureMRM Industry
100Boat BuildingMRM Industry
104Chemical Manufacturing - IndustrialMRM Industry
105ChemicalsMRM Industry
107Commercial PrintingMRM Industry
108Computer ManufactureMRM Industry
111Electronic Components & Semiconductor ManufactureMRM Industry
112Electronic Gaming ProductsMRM Industry
113Fabricated Metal Parts ManufacturingMRM Industry
115Fitness EquipmentMRM Industry
116Floor CoveringsMRM Industry
117Footwear Manufacture, Wholesale, and RetailMRM Industry
119Furniture ManufacturingMRM Industry
120Glass and Fiber Optic ManufacturingMRM Industry
121Gun ManufacturingMRM Industry
122Handtool and Cutlery ManufactureMRM Industry
123Household Appliance ManufactureMRM Industry
124Industrial Machinery ManufacturingMRM Industry
125Lighting Equipment ManufactureMRM Industry
126Machine ShopsMRM Industry
127Machine Tool ManufactureMRM Industry
130Metal Coating, Engraving, & Heat TreatingMRM Industry
131Metal Ore MiningMRM Industry
132Metal Valve ManufactureMRM Industry
133Motor, Generator, Pump, and Compressor MfgMRM Industry
134Motorcycle ManufacturingMRM Industry
135Musical Instrument ManufactureMRM Industry
136Oil and Gas Field ServicesMRM Industry
137Paint and Coating ManufacturingMRM Industry
138Paper Products ManufactureMRM Industry
139Pet Food ManufactureMRM Industry
140Petroleum RefiningMRM Industry
142Plastic and Rubber Products ManufacturingMRM Industry
143Plastic Resins & Synthetic FibersMRM Industry
144Primary Metals ManufacturingMRM Industry
145Pulp and Paper MillsMRM Industry
146Railroad Equipment ManufacturingMRM Industry
147Recreational Vehicle ManufactureMRM Industry
148Sawmills and Plywood MillsMRM Industry
149Scrap Metals-RecyclingMRM Industry
150Search, Detection, and Navigation Equipment ManufactureMRM Industry
151Soap and Detergent ManufactureMRM Industry
154Telecommunications Equipment ManufacturersMRM Industry
155Textile ManufacturingMRM Industry
156Tire ManufacturersMRM Industry
158Toy ManufactureMRM Industry
159Truck and Bus ManufacturingMRM Industry
161Amusement Parks & ArcadesMRM Industry
162Bed and Breakfast InnsMRM Industry
163Boat DealersMRM Industry
164Bowling CentersMRM Industry
165Child-care FacilitiesMRM Industry
166Churches & Religious GroupsMRM Industry
167Colleges and UniversitiesMRM Industry
168Community CollegesMRM Industry
169Education and Training ServicesMRM Industry
170Electric Energy DistributionMRM Industry
171Fitness CentersMRM Industry
173Gambling OperationsMRM Industry
174Golf CoursesMRM Industry
176Local Bus TransportationMRM Industry
177MarinasMRM Industry
178Movie TheatresMRM Industry
179Municipal GovernmentsMRM Industry
180Museums, Zoos, and ParksMRM Industry
181Natural Gas Production and DistributionMRM Industry
182Nonprofit InstitutionsMRM Industry
183Private Schools K-12MRM Industry
184Professional Sports Teams and OrganizationsMRM Industry
185Public Schools K-12MRM Industry
186Recreational Vehicle ParksMRM Industry
187Ski FacilitiesMRM Industry
188Spa ServicesMRM Industry
189Sporting Goods RetailersMRM Industry
190Travel Agencies and ServicesMRM Industry
191Waste ManagementMRM Industry
192Water & Sewer UtilitiesMRM Industry
193Automobile Dealers - LuxuryMRM Industry
194Automobile DealershipsMRM Industry
195Automobile Parts Wholesale-RetailMRM Industry
197Bars and NightclubsMRM Industry
198Beer, Wine, and Liquor StoresMRM Industry
200BookstoresMRM Industry
202Clothing StoresMRM Industry
203Coffee ShopsMRM Industry
204Computer and Software StoresMRM Industry
205Consumer Electronics StoresMRM Industry
206Convenience Stores and Gas StationsMRM Industry
207Cosmetics, Beauty Supply, and Perfume StoresMRM Industry
208Department Stores & Discount StoresMRM Industry
212FloristsMRM Industry
214Fuel Oil and LP Gas DealersMRM Industry
215Furniture StoresMRM Industry
216Gift and Souvenir StoresMRM Industry
218Home Centers and Hardware StoresMRM Industry
219Home Furnishings StoresMRM Industry
220Household Appliance StoresMRM Industry
221Internet and Catalog RetailersMRM Industry
222Jewelry RetailMRM Industry
223Motorcycle DealersMRM Industry
224Music StoresMRM Industry
225Musical Instrument StoresMRM Industry
228Pet StoresMRM Industry
229Photofinishing and Camera StoresMRM Industry
230Recreational Vehicle DealersMRM Industry
232Shoe StoresMRM Industry
233Specialty Food StoresMRM Industry
234Specialty RetailMRM Industry
236Tire DealersMRM Industry
237Toy and Hobby StoresMRM Industry
238Used Merchandise StoresMRM Industry
239Warehouse Clubs and SuperstoresMRM Industry
241Advertising and MarketingMRM Industry
242Air Charter ServicesMRM Industry
244Automobile Rental and LeasingMRM Industry
245Automotive Repair ShopsMRM Industry
246Aviation ServicesMRM Industry
248Car WashesMRM Industry
249Catering ServicesMRM Industry
251Commercial and Industrial Equipment RentalMRM Industry
255Direct Marketing ServicesMRM Industry
256Dry Cleaning and Laundry FacilitiesMRM Industry
259Fast Lube / Auto Oil Change ServiceMRM Industry
263Freight Shipping ServicesMRM Industry
264Funeral OperationsMRM Industry
265Hair Care ServicesMRM Industry
266Hotel and Motel - LodgingMRM Industry
267Interior Design ServicesMRM Industry
268Internet Service ProvidersMRM Industry
269Janitorial Services and Carpet CleaningMRM Industry
272Linen and Uniform Supply ServicesMRM Industry
273Market Research ServicesMRM Industry
274Personnel Staffing AgenciesMRM Industry
276Photo Studios and Commercial PhotographyMRM Industry
277Professional ServicesMRM Industry
280Taxi and Limousine ServicesMRM Industry
281Telecommunication ServicesMRM Industry
282Telemarketing ServicesMRM Industry
283Testing LaboratoriesMRM Industry
290Book PublishersMRM Industry
291Computer and Office Equipment DistributorsMRM Industry
293Computer Software DevelopmentMRM Industry
296Entertainment and Games SoftwareMRM Industry
298Graphic Design ServicesMRM Industry
299Information TechnologyMRM Industry
301Magazine PublishersMRM Industry
303Movies & TV Production and DistributionMRM Industry
304Music Production and DistributionMRM Industry
305Newspapers and News OrganizationsMRM Industry
306Public RelationsMRM Industry
307Radio Broadcasting and ProgrammingMRM Industry
308Sales Promotion ServicesMRM Industry
310Technology SectorMRM Industry
312TV Cable, Pay & Broadcast NetworksMRM Industry
314Wired Telecommunications CarriersMRM Industry
315Wireless Telecommunications ServicesMRM Industry
319AirlinesMRM Industry
324Biofuels ProductionMRM Industry
325Coal MiningMRM Industry
327Deep Sea ShippingMRM Industry
329Electric Power GenerationMRM Industry
336Moving and StorageMRM Industry
338Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and QuarryingMRM Industry
339Oil and Gas Exploration and ProductionMRM Industry
342Petroleum Wholesale DistributionMRM Industry
343RailroadsMRM Industry
347TruckingMRM Industry
348Warehousing and StorageMRM Industry
352Chemicals DistributorsMRM Industry
356Electrical, Plumbing, and Hardware DistributorsMRM Industry
357Electronic Components & Semiconductor WholesalersMRM Industry
361Industrial Machinery WholesalersMRM Industry
362Industrial Supply WholesalersMRM Industry
364Material Handling Equipment DistributionMRM Industry
367Office Supply and Paper DistributionMRM Industry
371Steel DistributionMRM Industry
372Tire WholesalersMRM Industry
373Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale - Over the CounterMRM Industry
374Consumer Product RentalIndustry Group
375Inland Barge TransportIndustry Group
376Manufacturing SectorIndustry Group
377Spirits, Liquor Producers & DistilleriesIndustry Group
378PoliticiansIndustry Group
379State and Federal GovernmentIndustry Group
380Armed ForcesIndustry Group
381Tobacco & Smoking ParaphenaliaIndustry Group
382Adult Entertainment and ParaphenaliaIndustry Group
383Feminine Hygiene ProductsIndustry Group
384Birth Control ProductsIndustry Group
385Entertainment and Performance ArtsIndustry Group
386Financial ServicesIndustry Group
387Food - CandyIndustry Group
388Food - PackagedIndustry Group
389Retail and General MerchandiseIndustry Group
390ManufacturingIndustry Group
391Financial ServicesIndustry Group
392EntertainmentIndustry Group
393Business ServicesIndustry Group
394FoodIndustry Group
395Travel/Hotels/AirlinesIndustry Group
396Amusement and RecreationIndustry Group
397ApparelIndustry Group
398Government/MunicipalIndustry Group
399AutomotiveIndustry Group
400Beer/Wine/LiquorIndustry Group
401BeveragesIndustry Group
402PharmaceuticalsIndustry Group
403Retail Stores/ChainsIndustry Group
404PublishingIndustry Group
405Educational ServicesIndustry Group
406Health Care ServicesIndustry Group
407Restaurant/Fast FoodIndustry Group
408Office Equipment/SuppliesIndustry Group
409Computing ProductIndustry Group
410ProductIndustry Group
411Cosmetics/ToiletriesIndustry Group
412Household ProductsIndustry Group
413GamingIndustry Group
414GamblingIndustry Group
415AppliancesIndustry Group
416Real EstateIndustry Group
417TelecommunicationsIndustry Group
418JewelryIndustry Group
419Filmed EntertainmentIndustry Group
420MediaIndustry Group
421AssociationsIndustry Group
422Eye Care/OpticalIndustry Group
423Pet Food/SuppliesIndustry Group
424Photographic EquipmentIndustry Group
425Professional SportsIndustry Group
426TobaccoIndustry Group
427Toys/GamesIndustry Group
428AerospaceIndustry Group
429MilitaryIndustry Group
430Commercial PrintingIndustry Group
431ComputingIndustry Group
432Audio and Video EquipmentIndustry Group
433Drug StoresIndustry Group
434Home FurnishingsIndustry Group
435Apparel/AccessoriesIndustry Group
436InsuranceIndustry Group
437Mail Order/CatalogueIndustry Group
438NewsIndustry Group
439New MediaIndustry Group

Nielsen Demographics

Click to expand
IDDemographic Name
3Nielsen DAR - Male 18-20
4Nielsen DAR - Male 21-24
5Nielsen DAR - Male 25-29
6Nielsen DAR - Male 30-34
7Nielsen DAR - Male 35-39
8Nielsen DAR - Male 40-44
9Nielsen DAR - Male 45-49
10Nielsen DAR - Male 50-54
11Nielsen DAR - Male 55-64
12Nielsen DAR - Male >= 65
16Nielsen DAR - Female 18-20
17Nielsen DAR - Female 21-24
18Nielsen DAR - Female 25-29
19Nielsen DAR - Female 30-34
20Nielsen DAR - Female 35-39
21Nielsen DAR - Female 40-44
22Nielsen DAR - Female 45-49
23Nielsen DAR - Female 50-54
24Nielsen DAR - Female 55-64
25Nielsen DAR - Female >= 65
28Nielsen DAR - Male 13-17
29Nielsen DAR - Female 13-17
27Nielsen DAR - P2+
30Nielsen DAR - Unknown
31Nielsen DAR - Unmeasurable

iSpot Audience IDs

Click to expand
IDAudience Name