Standard Attributes API V4

The Standard Attributes API V4 enables FreeWheel (FW) Marketplace users to retrieve Standard Attribute values pre-defined in the FreeWheel Marketplace. These values and their corresponding IDs are essential for further Marketplace Inventory trafficking through Placement API V3.

Use the Standard Attributes API V4 to:

  • List names and IDs of all Standard Attributes
  • List names and IDs of one or more specified Standard Attributes
  • List names and IDs of apps and domains, which are child attributes of endpoints
  • List names and IDs for channels, IAB categories, and publishers



Standard Attributes API V4 identifies two Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs):



The following attributes are used in GET requests only.

ssp_channelsSetList of FreeWheel Marketplace defined SSP Channels IDs and names.
ssp_appsSetList of FreeWheel Marketplace defined Apps IDs and names, which is part of SSP Endpoints SA.
ssp_domainsSetList of FreeWheel Marketplace defined Domains IDs and names, which is part of SSP Endpoints SA.
ssp_iab_categoriesSetList of FreeWheel Marketplace defined SSP IAB Categories IDs and names.
ssp_publishersSetList of FreeWheel Marketplace defined SSP Publishers IDs and names.

Child Attributes

The following attributes are used in GET requests only.

SSP Channels

idFW_IDThe ID of a particular SSP Channel.
nameStringThe name of a particular SSP Channel.

SSP Apps

idFW_IDThe ID of a particular App.
nameStringThe name of a particular App SA.

SSP Domains

idFW_IDThe ID of a particular Domain.
nameStringThe name of a particular Domain.

SSP IAB Categories

idFW_IDThe ID of a particular SSP IAB Category.
nameStringThe name of a particular SSP IAB Category.

SSP Publishers

idFW_IDThe ID of a particular SSP Publisher.
nameStringThe name of a particular SSP Publisher.