Conversion Tags

Conversion, or Event Tags are generated by the Buzz API or UI and should be placed on the website where a conversion will be recorded.

Sample Tag

A conversion tag will typically look like this:

<!--BEGIN BEESWAX CONVERSION TAG, DO NOT REMOVE --> <img src="[VALUE]&segment_key=12345&order=[ORDER]&ord=[CACHEBUSTER]" height="0" width="0"> <!--END BEESWAX CONVERSION TAG, DO NOT REMOVE -->


ParameterWhat it meansWhat do you need to do
tag_idUnique identifier for the tag in Buzz, auto-generatedDo not edit
buzz_keyUnique instance of Buzz, auto-generatedDo not edit
valueThe value assigned to the conversion. For example if the value is set to "30" the conversion will be aggregated with a value of 30. If omitted, the tag value set when the event was created in Buzz will be used.If you want to set the value in real time when the user converts, you should replace the value with a number. This can be done by passing a static value, or using code or a CMS macro to populate the value dynamically.
segment_keyThe unique id of a segment to put the user into when the user converts. This is generally set when the event is created.Do not edit
orderThe number of items purchased as part of the conversion. For example if the value is set to "2" the conversion will be aggregated with a order of 2. If omitted, the tag value set when the event was created in Buzz will be used.If you want to set the order in real time when the user converts, you should replace the order with a number. This can be done by passing a static value, or using code or a CMS macro to populate the value dynamically.
ordRandom number to prevent browser caching of the conversionReplace the [CACHEBUSTER] string with a random number generated at run time.

Example Javascript

Conversion tags can either be inserted server-side by your content management system, or client-side in Javascript on your page. The only requirement for implementation is to replace the [CACHEBUSTER] macro with a random number. The code below provides a javascript example, where you should replace the tag with the one generated from Buzz:

var cachebuster = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000),
img = new Image(); 
img.width = 0;
img.height = 0;
//replace this with the tag you generated from Buzz
img.src = '[VALUE]&segment_key=12345&order=[ORDER]&ord=' + cachebuster;
document.body.appendChild(img); // or wherever the image should be placed