
The View API method allows you to flexibly GET data from the Buzz system. It is especially useful for querying static tables to discover ad types. acceptable mime types, or other lookup fields. Views must be created by the Buzz administrator. Only GET requests are supported.


Upgrade Notice

For immutable views, such as a list of browsers or cities, we recommend using the new reference resources integrated into the Buzz 2.0 API instead of Views. Read more about Reference Resources.

POSTNot allowed
PUTNot allowed
DELETENot allowed

Getting a Complete List of Views

# Will return a list of all views with descriptions of the fields, or you can get data about a specific view
curl -X GET "[host]/rest/view_list" -b cookies.txt -d '{"view_name":"line_item_types"}'
The GET request above will show the results below:
    "success": true,
    "payload": [
            "view_name": "line_item_types",
            "object_type": "static",
            "table_name": "line_item_types",
            "primary_view": true,
            "allow_writes": false,
            "customizable": false,
            "read_only_db": false,
            "fields": [
                    "view_name": "line_item_types",
                    "field": "line_item_type_id",
                    "field_order": 1,
                    "field_name": "Line Item Type ID",
                    "field_hint": null,
                    "format": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "search_type": "int",
                    "field_width": null,
                    "required": false,
                    "hidden": false
                    "view_name": "line_item_types",
                    "field": "line_item_type",
                    "field_order": 2,
                    "field_name": "Type",
                    "field_hint": null,
                    "format": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "search_type": "string",
                    "field_width": null,
                    "required": false,
                    "hidden": false
                    "view_name": "line_item_types",
                    "field": "sizeless",
                    "field_order": 3,
                    "field_name": null,
                    "field_hint": null,
                    "format": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "search_type": "boolean",
                    "field_width": null,
                    "required": false,
                    "hidden": false
                    "view_name": "line_item_types",
                    "field": "pixel_size",
                    "field_order": 4,
                    "field_name": null,
                    "field_hint": null,
                    "format": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "search_type": "int",
                    "field_width": null,
                    "required": false,
                    "hidden": false

List of Commonly-Used Views

advertiser_categoryCategorization for advertisers (e.g. automotive)
advertiser_indexA master list of all advertisers
advertiser_sensitive_categoryList of sensitive categories to describe the advertiser (e.g. alcohol)
advertiser_statsAdvertiser objects including many fields showing updated performance results
bandwidthCodes for user bandwidth targeting
bidding_strategiesList of supported bidding strategies
campaign_statsCampaign objects including many fields showing updated performance results
citiesGlobal list of cities and regions. Use cities_active_view view for targeting.
cities_active_viewList of cities and regions that are enabled for targeting (subset based on countries_active view, below)
continentsA list of continents in which data centers exist. Used to determine where a Campaign may be eligible to serve or where a Segment Upload is uploaded.
countriesList of all country codes. Use countries_active_view view for targeting.
countries_active_viewList of country codes that are enabled for targeting
creative_approval_vendorsCreative approval vendors
creative_sizesAcceptable creative sizes (width and height)
currencyAcceptable currency codes
DMAGoogle Metro codes (similar to DMAs)
environment_typesEnvironments in which the ad may be served. 0=web, 1=in-app
event_typesEvent types
event_tag_typesTypes of tags supported for events (event_tag API) and segments (segment_tag API)
inventory_sourceInventory sources (e.g. Google)
line_item_statsLine item objects including many fields showing updated performance results
line_item_typesLine Item types (e.g. banner, mobile, video)
lookup_appsUseful lookup data about the 100,000 most commonly seen mobile apps
lookup_domainsThe 100,000 most commonly seen domains
lookup_inventoryThe 100,000 most commonly seen combinations of site_id and placement_id
macrosAd server macros allowable in Creatives and Creative Templates
mime_typesAcceptable mime types for Creative Asset upload
object_typesObject types (e.g. user, creative, targeting_templates)
regionsGlobal list of regions, including US States. Use regions_active_view for targeting.
regions_active_viewList of regions enabled for targeting.
report_calculated_fieldsFields in reporting that are calculated when a reporting request is submitted
report_date_filtersList of special reporting date parameters supported such as today
report_fieldsList of fields per report (see reports below)
reportsList of supported reports
segment_file_formatAcceptable formats for uploading segment files
segment_statsList of segments with estimated number of users in each segment per continent
segment_upload_statusList of possible statuses for a segment file upload
tag_typesList of Banner Ad Types from OpenRTB 5.2
video_apisTypes of video APIs supported
video_companion_typesTypes of video companions (static, HTML, etc)
video_creative_transcoding_queueList of videos waiting to be transcoded
video_encoding_profilesList of transcoding profiles supported
video_protocolsTypes of video protocols supported