Segment Upload / Segment Update

The Segment Upload object allows you to upload a text file containing end user-to-Segment mappings. The processing of the file into a user store is accomplished asynchronously through a separate process.

There are two ways you can use this method, depending on the size of the files you plan on uploading.

  • If your files are going to be smaller than 10Mb, you can upload a file directly.
  • If your files are larger than 10Mb, Beeswax will provide a secure location for your file uploads and the process is reversed: First, you upload the file to the secure location, second you POST to segment_upload to let us know the file is ready for pickup.

Segment Upload file format is described in Segments.

The Segment Update object allows you to update user-segment combinations directly in the API instead of in text files. This should be used for updates of less than 1000 users per API call. The processing of the data into a user store is accomplished asynchronously outside of the Buzz system. This method extends the Segment Upload method and only differs in the way data is POSTed. It is recommended to use segment upload instead of segment update whenever possible for improved performance.


PUTNot permitted
DELETENot permitted