

Upgrade Notice

The Roles resources have been updated for the 2.0 API and we recommend using that version instead of the 0.5 API. The 2.0 API is required for granular control over the new Report Builder capabilities. Read more...

Roles are created within Accounts and are assigned multiple Permissions. A Permission is defined per object type (e.g. user, advertiser), and determine whether a User assigned the Role can view, create, edit, and delete that given type of object. Learn more: Accounts, Users, Roles, Permissions.

Global Roles are created by system administrators and are used by all Accounts. If you create a new Role without specifying permissions the Role will inherit all the permissions from the parent_role_id.

A note of caution: Since Permissions are set on individual objects and those objects interact with one another, it is possible to create Roles that are difficult to use in practice. For example, if a Role gave full access to Campaigns but no read access to Advertisers, the User assigned this Role would never be able to discover the name or ID of the Advertiser to use when creating a Campaign.


DELETERoles cannot be deleted if assigned to one or more Users