Vendor Invoices are available in the API once they have been cleared in FreeWheel.
Basic Attributes
The following attributes are returned by the API calls in this section.
Field Name | Description | Data Type (Length) |
1. Id | Unique ID for every time an invoice is cleared, unlocked, re-cleared, etc. | string |
2. billId | Unique ID for every time an invoice is cleared, unlocked, re-cleared, etc. | integer |
3. currencyCode | Currency code (USD default) | string |
4. invoiceGrossCost | Invoice total gross dollars | number |
5. invoiceNetCost | Invoice total net dollars | number |
6. invoiceGrossCash | Invoice gross cash dollars | number |
7. invoiceGrossTrade | Invoice gross trade value | number |
8. totalUnits | Total units within invoice | integer |
9. syscode | Cable Vendor system code (syscode) | string (5) |
10. agencyID | Agency ID | integer |
11. agencyName | Agency name | string (50) |
12. agencyCode | Optional Agency billing code | string (50) |
13. officeID | Office ID | integer |
14. officeName | Office name | string (50) |
15. officeCode | Office billing code (Optional) | string (50) |
16. bottomLineInvoice | True/False indicating that the invoice is bottom-line and will have no invoice detail information. | boolean |
17. vendor | ||
a. vendorRefId | FW unique Vendor ID | integer |
b. vendorName |
| string (101) |
c. vendorCode | Vendor billing code | string (50) |
d. alternateBillCode | Alternate Vendor billing code | string (30) |
e. alternateBill | True/False If True, the alternate Vendor billing code is used for Vendor payment | boolean |
f. isFee | True/False True: MB Fee % is not applied to the Vendor; False: MB Fee % is applied to the Vendor | boolean |
g. mediaRefId | FW media type ID | integer |
h. mediaName | Media name associated with vendor media type | string (50) |
i. mediaCode | Media type code associated with vendor media type | string (50) |
18. clearedDate | Date/Time Stamp when invoice was exported/cleared for payment | string (23) |
19. unlockedBillId | Bill ID of related invoice when a negative/ reverse entry is created for unlocked invoices | integer |
20. matchOnNet | Spot Only: Indicates whether the invoice was matched on net instead of gross | boolean |
21. verificationNet | True/False: Indicates whether the Invoice Total Net Cost represents the Verification Net (true) or the Net (false) on the invoice record | boolean |
22. invoiceNetTrade | Total net trade cost on invoice | number |
23. invoiceGrossInvestment | Total gross cost on invoice identified as Investment | number |
24. invoiceNetInvestment | Total net cost on invoice identified as Investment | number |
25. totalTradeUnits | Number of units that are trade | integer |
26. invoiceTax1 | First tax amount on invoice | number |
27. tax1Type | Tax type for invoiceTax1 Values are:
| string |
28. invoiceTax2 | Second tax amount on invoice | number |
29. tax2Type | Tax type for InvoiceTax2 Values are:
| string |
30. tax1GLAccount | GL Account associated with Tax 1 | string (50) |
31. tax2GLAccount | GL Account associated with Tax 2 | string (50) |
32. totalAmountDue | Total amount due on invoice | number |
33. cashInAdvance | True/False: Indicates whether the invoice is a pre-pay (cash-in-advance) invoice | boolean |
34. repBill | True/False: Indicates whether the Rep Bill Code should be used in place of the Vendor Code or Alternate Bill Code | boolean |
35. repBillCode | Rep Billing Code | string (50) |
36. billingMonthType | Indicate whether the station/package/pub/ publisher/fee Vendor is billed by Broadcast Month (B), Calendar Month (C) or Fiscal (F) | string (1) |
37. InvoiceEstimates | ||
a. estimateId | System generated estimate number | integer |
b. estimateCode | Estimate Billing code (Optional) | string (50) |
c. invoiceGrossCost | AMOUNT OF GROSS COST BEING PAID ON ESTIMATE | integer |
d. invoiceNetCost | AMOUNT OF NET COST BEING PAID ON ESTIMATE | integer |
e. invoiceGrossCash | GROSS CASH AMOUNT BEING PAID ON ESTIMATE | integer |
f. invoiceGrossTrade | GROSS TRADE AMOUNT BE PAID ON ESTIMATE | integer |
h. mediaOrderId | System generated ID associated with the Vendor on the estimate/campaign | |
i. Integer | ||
j. stationCallLetters |
| string (50) |
k. stationBandCode |
| string (50) |
l. clientRefId | FreeWheel client ID | integer |
m. clientName | Client name | string (50) |
n. clientCode | Client billing code (Optional) | string (50) |
o. divisionRefId | FreeWheel ID for the division | integer |
p. divisionName | Division Name (Optional) | string (50) |
q. divisionCode | Division billing code (Optional) | string (50) |
r. productRefId | FreeWheel ID for the product | integer |
s. productName | Product name | string (50) |
t. productCode | Product billing code (Optional) | string (50) |
u. networkPackageCode | Network Only: Number used to identify Network packages | integer |
v. paidByClient | Vendor invoice paid by Client | boolean |
w. invoiceDetails | Invoice Detail Line information | |
i. billDetailId | Unique ID for every time an invoice detail item is cleared, unlocked, re-cleared, etc. | integer |
ii. billId | Unique ID for every time an invoice is cleared, unlocked, re-cleared, etc. | integer |
iii. id | Unique identifier for the invoice detail item | integer |
iv. invoiceId | Unique identifier for the invoice | integer |
v. network | Spot only: Cable network associated with detail item | string (50) |
vi. invoiceDetailDate | Invoice Detail Date
| string (23) |
vii. invoiceDetailTime | Run time of the Unit for Spot and Network String (23) | string (23) |
viii. invoiceDetailEndDate | Invoice Detail End Date
| |
ix. invoiceDetailGrossCost | Gross cost of the line detail | number |
x. invoiceDetailNetCost | Net cost of the line detail | number |
xi. unitLength | Unit length for the line detail for Spot and Network | integer |
xii. isciCode | Spot/Network: ISCI (commercial) ID for the ad | string (50) |
xiii. cashOrTrade | Spot and Network by unit: C = Cash, T = Trade | string (1) |
xiv. comments | Invoice line comments | string (4000) |
xv. programName | Program for line detail for Spot and Network | string (200) |
xvi. numberOfUnits | Number of invoice line units | integer |
xvii. InvoiceOrderLines | Order line detail pertaining to invoice line | |
a) marketName | Market name | string (50) |
b) marketCode | Market code | string (50) |
c) invoiceDetailGrossCost | Gross amount attributed to order line | integer |
d) invoiceDetailNetCost | Net amount attributed to order line | integer |
e) lineId | Unique line ID associated with the order Note: For Digital the line ID is unique by package or by placement line | integer |
f) isPackage | Digital Only: True/False used to identify if the line ID is associated with the package or placement line | boolean |
g) orderLineNumber | Unique line number by order | integer |
h) commission | Commission/Agency discount % | number |
i) netCharge | Non-commissionable charge or fee associated with Vendor | number |
j) daypartCode | Daypart code for the line detail | string (50) |
k) rateType | Digital Rate Type | string (50) |
l) productName Network | Only: Product name | string (50) |
m) productRefId | FreeWheel product Id (Network Only) | integer |
n) productCode | Network Only: Product code | string (50) |
o) mediaChannelRefId | FreeWheel ID for the media channel / booking category code | integer |
p) mediaChannelName | Name of the media channel / booking category | string |
q) mediachannelCode | External code for the media channel / booking category | string |
r) orderMonth | Month of order corresponding to matched invoice line | string |
xviii. prepaidInvoiceDetail | ||
a) amount | Amount on Invoice | number |
b) invoiceNumber | Prepaid Invoice Number | string |
c) invoiceDate | Date of Invoice | Datetime |
38. invoiceMonth | invoice month on invoice | string |
39. bottomLineAdjustment | Spot only: Adjustment amount for bottom-line invoices | number |
40. bottomLineAdjustmentIncluded | Spot only: True/False – indicates if the BL adjustment amount should be included in the Vendor payment amount | boolean |
41. invoiceStatus | Invoice status | string (1) |
42. invoiceNotes | Vendor Invoice comments | string (4000) |
43. invoiceId | Unique identifier for the invoice | integer |
44. invoiceNumber | Vendor Invoice number | string (255) |
45. invoiceDate | Vendor Invoice date | string (23) |
46. invoiceDueDate | Vendor Invoice due date | string (23) |