This set of calls is only for those agencies using the Media Billing Module in SBMS.

Client Bill data is available in the API once it is recorded in FreeWheel.



A Client Bill is a bill produced by the Agency for their Client to pay.

Basic Attributes

The following attributes are returned by the API calls in this section.

Field NameDescriptionData Type (Length)
1. IdList of Client Bill Transaction Idsinteger
2. transactionIdClient bill Transaction Idinteger
3. agencyIdSystem generated agency IDinteger
4. agencyNameAgency nameString (50)
5. officeIdSystem generated office IDinteger
6. officeNameOffice nameString (50)
7. officeCodeOffice codeString (50)
8. advertiserNameAdvertiser name as defined in Media Billing Client Billing SetupString (50)
9. clientRefIdFW Client Idinteger
10. clientNameClient nameString (50)
11. clientCodeClient codeString (50)
12. invoiceAddress
a. addressTypeInvoice

  • work
  • payee
  • invoice
  • traffic
b. line1Billing address line 1String (50)
c. line2Billing address line 2String (50)
d. zipBilling address zip codeString (50)
e. stateBilling address stateString (50)
f. cityBilling address cityString (50)
g. countryBilling address countrystring
13. currencyCodeCurrency code (USD default)string
14. mediaBillingInvoiceNumberClient bill numberString (50)
15. mediaBillingInvoiceDateClient bill dateString (23)
16. mediaBillingDueDateClient bill payment due dateString (23)
17. mediaBillingTotalAmountDueTotal Amount due on Client Invoicenumber
18. exportDateDate Client Bill exported from SBMSString (23)
19. originalMediaBillingInvoiceTrue/False

When an Invoice is voided, it will be False for the record that is used to balance the original invoice.
20. voidedMediaBillingInvoiceTrue/False

When an Invoice is voided, it will be set to True for both the original and balanced records.
21. voidDateVoided date (both original and balanced records)String (23)
22. voidCommentsVoided comments (both original and balanced records)String (50)
23. campaignInfo
a. idSystem generated estimate numberinteger
b. billHeaderIdID of the associated Bill Headerinteger
c. productRefIdFW Product Idinteger
d. productNameProduct nameString (50)
e. productCodeProduct codeString (50)
f. estimate
i. idSystem generated estimate numberInteger
ii. descriptionEstimate descriptionString (50)
iii. codeOptional estimate billing code String (50)
iv. mediaRefIdFW Media IdInteger
v. mediaNameEstimate media type nameString (50)
vi. mediaCodeEstimate media type code (optional)String (50)
vii. flightStartDateEstimate flight start dateString (23)
viii. flightEndDateEstimate flight end dateString (23)
g. totalUnitsTotal units within billinteger
h. totalBillNetDueNet media cost due on Client billnumber
i. totalBillGrossDueGross media cost due on Client billnumber
j. mediaBillingFeeAmountDueFee due on Client billnumber
k. totalTaxDueTax due on Client billnumber
l. specialAmountDueSpecial Amount Due on the Invoice

Note: This option is only available for Spot and Network estimates that are setup with Special Amount billing.
m. withholdingAmountAmount withheld based on % setup by Clientnumber
n. barterCreditAmountDueAmount used in barter – subtracted from Billing Amountnumber
o. feeWithholdingAmount of the Fee withheld based on % setup by Clientnumber
p. mediaBillinginvoiceIdClient bill system generated IDinteger
q. invoiceCommentsComments on the Client BillString (255)
r. hasSeparateMediaFeeOptionTrue/False

If True - When invoice was generated, the Fee amount was one page with the base invoice number and –Fee appended. The media amount was on a separate page with the base invoice number and –Media appended.
s. monthOfServiceMonth of media activityString (5)
t. dateRangeStartDateWhen billing on date range, start date of the date range being billedString (23)
u. dateRangeEndDateWhen billing on date range, end date of the date range being billedString (23)
v. billTypeE = Estimate Bill
R = Reconciliation Bill
String (1)
w. specialAmountBillTrue/Falseboolean
x. invoiceTypeIndicates whether separate invoices were generated for Fee Vendors and Media Vendor. Only available in Digital.

Valid values:

  • NoSeparateFeeVendorInvoice
  • SeparateMediaInvoice
  • SeparateFeeVendorInvoice
String (3)
y. billDetails
i. idSystem generated ID for Vendor detail records on the Client billinteger
ii. campaignInfoIdID of the associated Campaign headerinteger
iii. billIdClient bill IDinteger
iv. marketNameMarket associated with the Vendor on the Client billString (50)
v. marketCodeMarket code associated with the Vendor on the Client billString (3)
vi. stationName
  • Spot: Call Letters + Band Code
  • Network: Package Name

  • Print/Outdoor: Publication/Vendor Name
  • Digital: Publisher/Fee Vendor Name
String (101)
vii. vendor
a) vendorRefIdFW internal Vendor IDInteger
b) vendorNameVendor nameString (101)
c) vendorCodeVendor billing codeString (50)
d) alternateBillCodeAlternate Vendor billing codeString (50)
e) alternateBillTrue/False

If True, the alternate Vendor billing code is used for Vendor payment.
f) isFee
  • True: MB Fee % is not applied to the Vendor.
  • False: MB Fee % is applied to the Vendor.
g) mediaRefIdFreeWheel media ID associated with the vendorinteger
h) mediaNameName of media associated with the vendorString
i) mediaCodeExternal media code associated with the vendorString
viii. totalUnitsTotal units by vendorInteger
ix. BillAmount
a) GrossGross amount on the client bill for the vendor.

This is based on the Bill Gross Cost defined in Client Billing Setup.
b) netNet amount on the client bill for the vendor.

This is based on the Bill Net Cost defined in Client Billing setup.
x. vendorCost
a) cost
1) grossTotal gross cost for the vendornumber
2) netTotal net cost for the vendornumber
b) clientCost
1) grossTotal client gross cost for the vendornumber
2) netTotal client net cost for the vendornumber
c) previousVendorCost
1) cost
(a) grossPreviously billed total gross cost for the vendornumber
(b) netPreviously billed total net cost for the vendornumber
1) clientCost
(a) grossPreviously billed total client gross cost for the vendornumber
(b) netPreviously billed total client net cost for the vendornumber
d) vendorTradeCost
1) cost
(a) grossGross cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
(b) netNet cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
2) clientCost
(a) grossClient gross cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
(b) netClient net cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
e) previousVendorTradeCost
1) cost
(a) grossPreviously billed gross cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
(b) netPreviously billed net cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
2) clientCost
(a) grossPreviously billed client gross cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
(b) netPreviously billed client net cost for the vendor for lines flagged as tradenumber
f) billDueAmount
1) grossBill gross minus previous bill grossnumber
2) netBill Net minus previous bill netnumber
f) previousBillAmount
1) grossPreviously billed bill grossnumber
2) netPreviously billed bill netnumber
g) originalBillAmount
1) grossRepresents the Frozen or Original Schedule amount depending on the Original Order Gross option selected on the Client Billing Setup Screen.number
2) netRepresents the Frozen or Original Schedule amount depending on the Original Order Gross option selected on the Client Billing Setup Screen.number
h) tradeBillAmount
1) grossNot Used
2) netBill net amount represented by tradenumber
i) previousTradeBillAmount
1) grossNot Used
2) netPreviously billed bill net amount represented by tradenumber
j) invoiceAdSizeAd size for the line from the Vendor invoice for Print/Outdoor and DigitalString (100)
k) taxes
1) descriptionDescription of tax % and whether it’s based on Vendor gross or netString (50)
2) amountTotal tax amount for Vendornumber
3) previousAmountPreviously Billed tax amount for Vendornumber
4) dueAmountTotal Tax minus Previously billed taxnumber
l) vendorInvoice
1) invoiceMonthVendor Invoice monthString (10)
2) bottomLineAdjustmentSpot only: Adjustment amount for bottom-line invoicesnumber
3) bottomLineAdjustmentIncludedSpot only: True/False – indicates if the bottom line adjustment amount should be included in the Vendor payment amountboolean
4) invoiceStatus
  • C= Cleared
  • O = OK to Pay
  • M= Matched
  • R = Received

Note: O status is only available for Print/Outdoor & Digital
String (1)
5) invoiceNotesVendor invoice commentsString (4000)
6) invoiceIdSystem generated ID associated with each Vendor invoiceinteger
7) invoiceNumberVendor invoice numberString (255)
8) invoiceDateVendor invoice dateString (23)
9) invoiceDueDateVendor invoice due dateString (23)
m) exportDateDate Client invoice was exportedString (23)
n) insertionIdInsertion ID for Print/Outdoor and Digital onlyInteger
o) insertionStartDateyStart date of insertion for Print/Outdoor and Digital onlyString (23)
p) insertionEndDateEnd date of insertion for Outdoor and Digital onlyString (23)
q) digitalPackageDigital Only: True/False – indicates whether the insertion ID represents the package IDboolean
1) partialInvoiceNetwork only: if the Invoice Based on BC Month option is selected, even if the Vendor Invoice is selected on Calendar Month type, the Client Invoice will always be billed based on Broadcast Month. In case of Estimate Bill based on Invoice or Recon Bill, the program will consider Vendor Invoices from two Calendar Months and include only those that fall into the selected Broadcast Month on the Client Invoice. The Partial Invoice flag is used to indicate such Stations.boolean
2) productRefIdFW Id associated with the product (network only)integer
3) productNameProduct name
(network only)
String (50)
4) productCodeProduct code (network only)String (50)
5) billTotalLineDigital Only: Indicates if a multi-month line is being billed in one month. Options are:
Notbillingtotalline, FirstMonth, or LastMonth
String (10)
6) feeCommission
(aa) commissionAmount of commission on the fee number
(bb) prevousFeeCommisionPreviously billed commission on the feenumber
(cc) feeCommissionDueCommission on Fee amount minus previously billed commission on the feenumber
(dd) currencyCodeCurrency code (USD default)String
7) noVendorInvoiceFee Vendors that do not have a payableboolean
8) isRubiconOrderTrue/False - Flag to identify if the digital order came from Rubiconboolean
9) mediaChannelRefIdFW ID associated with the media channel / bookinginteger
10) mediaChannelNameName associated with the media channelstring
11) mediaChannelCodeExternal system code associated with the media channelstring
r. separateFeeVendorInvoiceTrue/False - For Digital Fees, if true a separate invoice is generated for digital fees separate from media costboolean
s. feeOnlyBoolean field to denote Direct Payboolean
t. clientTax1TaxDueTax 1 due fieldnumber
u. clientTax1DescriptionTax type for invoiceTax1

Values are:
  • state
  • local
  • GST
  • PST
  • HST
  • QST
v. clientTax2TaxDueTax 2 due fieldnumber
w. clientTax2DescriptionTax type for invoiceTax2

Values are:
  • state
  • local
  • GST
  • PST
  • HST
  • QST
x. customFieldsAgency defined fields
(key/value pair (string, string))
String (50)