With the Office API, you can retrieve either a list of offices or details about a single office.

Basic Attributes

The following attributes are returned by the API calls in this section.

Field NameDescriptionData Type
1. idFW Internal ID of the Agency Officeinteger
2. agencyIDFW Internal ID of the Agencyinteger
3. nameOffice namestring
4. codeExternal Agency Office billing codestring
5. addressAddress for a given Agency Office
a. addressTypeAddress identifier
(work, payee, invoice, traffic)
b. line1Address line 1string
c. line2Address line 2string
d. zipZip Codestring
e. stateStatestring
f. cityCitystring
g. countryCountrystring
6. contactsInformation associated with a given Contact
a. contactTypeContact identifierstring
b. nameContact’s full namestring
c. phoneContact’s phonestring
d. faxContact’s faxstring
e. emailContact’s emailstring
f. addressContact’s address
i. addressTypeContact’s address type(work, payee, invoice, traffic)string
ii. line1Contact’s Address line 1string
iii. line2Contact’s Address line 2string
iv. zipContact’s Zip Codestring
v. stateContact’s Statestring
vi. cityContact’s Citystring
vii. countryContact’s Countrystring