With the Vendor API, you can retrieve either a list of Vendors or details about a single Vendor. Vendor IDs are unique.

Basic Attributes

The following attributes are returned by the API calls in this section.

FieldsDescriptionData TypeRequired?
1. idFW Internal ID of the VendorintegerNo
2. mediaIdFW Internal ID of the mediaintegerYes
3. nameMedia namestringYes
4. codeExternal Media codestringNo
5. mediaOwnerMedia Owner associated with the VendorstringNo
6. addressVendor WorkAddress fields
a. addressTypeAddress type of the Vendor (work)stringWork
b. line1Vendor address line 1stringNo
c. line2Vendor address line 2stringNo
d. zipVendor zipstringNo
e. stateVendor statestringNo
f. cityVendor citystringNo
g. countryVendor countrystringNo
7. InvoiceAddressVendor InvoiceAddress fields
a. addressTypeAddress type of the Vendor
b. line1Vendor address line 1stringNo
c. line2Vendor address line 2stringNo
d. zipVendor zipstringNo
e. stateVendor statestringNo
f. cityVendor citystringNo
g. countryVendor countrystringNo
8. TrafficAddressVendor TrafficAddress fields
a. addressTypeAddress type of the Vendor (Traffic)stringTraffic
b. line1Vendor address line 1stringNo
c. line2Vendor address line 2stringNo
d. zipVendor zipstringNo
e. stateVendor statestringNo
f. cityVendor citystringNo
g. countryVendor countrystringNo