Getting Started with Demand APIs


The FreeWheel Demand Application Programming Interface (API) is a service that allows third-party tools to programmatically access and interact with data in FreeWheel. This guide outlines requirements for integrating client software with FreeWheel APIs.

Use the FreeWheel Demand APIs to:

  • Manage the pre-ingestion and assignment of creatives to deals
  • Retrieve deal information

When designing plug-ins to the Freewheel APIs, utilize the cache and limit request frequency to 20 requests/second. Exceeding the throttling rate of twenty requests per second will result in failed calls.

The FreeWheel Demand APIs use JSON by default and are implemented using RESTful best practices.

Password Resets

Users with MRM and API access must reset their passwords every 180 days. Users with only API access must reset their passwords every 365 days. If a user's permissions change, their password expiration period updates to match their new access level.

Users with expired passwords cannot generate OAuth tokens to access FreeWheel APIs.

ScenarioExpiration Policy
MRM and API accessPassword reset required every 180 days in order to maintain MRM UI and API access.
API access onlyPassword reset required every 365 days in order to maintain API access.

For more information, see the FreeWheel API Password Expiration Policy.

Resetting A Password

  1. Go the User Setup page.
  2. Follow the Forgot Password workflow.



If you can't receive emails or remember your account's password, contact your network administrator.