List of Targeting Modules and Keys

This document summarizes the targeting modules and keys available in the Buzz 2.0 API. See Targeting for details on how to programmatically retrieve and use this data.

When a targeting key is specified using an enumerated list of codes (e.g. metro areas or ads.txt codes) the available codes can be programmatically discovered using a Reference Resource.


Migration Notes from 0.5 API

  • The ip_list and multi_list targeting keys are no longer supported.
  • Many targeting keys have been re-arranged into different modules
app_siteapp_bundle_listAppBundle lists defined using Custom Lists object. Targeting app_list -1 matches any request with a blank or no app bundle
app_id_listAppID lists defined using Custom Lists object. Targeting app_list -1 matches any request with a blank or no app ID
app_nameString, no validation
deal_idDeal ID in the format <inventory_source>/<deal_id> for example if the deal_id is foo_bar and it is from the Inventory Source adx, the deal_id is adx/foo_bar. Note, there is no validation that this is a valid deal.
deal_id_listList of deal IDs to include or exclude defined using custom_list object.
domain_listDomain lists defined using custom_list object.
placementID in the form <inventory_source>/<placement_name>. Placement name is not validated but can be found in reporting or logs.
placement_listList of placements to include or exclude
publisher_idID in the form <inventory_source>/<publisher_id>. Publisher ID is not validated but can be found in post-campaign reporting.
publisher_id_listList of publisher IDs to include or exclude defined using custom_list object.
siteSite names in form <inventory_source>/<site_id>. IDs can be found in post-campaign reporting.
site_listList of sites to include or exclude defined using custom_list object.
contentcontent_categoryIAB categories from OpenRTB
content_ratingContent rating types according to OpenRTB 6.18
bw_content_genreThe mapped Beeswax Content Genre from the taxonomy. Available for targeting on video line items only
languageLanguage of site on which ad is shown. Lookup based on ISO 639-1.
environmentad_positionPublisher declared ad position such as "above the fold". Note, these values are not validated and do not guarantee viewability.
ads_txtCode representing the compliance with ads.txt.
environment_type0=web, 1=in-app
interstitialBoolean representing whether the impression is an interstitial. Only accepts the value true but can be included or excluded.
interstitial_typeCreative type expected in interstitial placement: BANNER, VIDEO or BANNER_AND_VIDEO
native_layoutThe format of native creatives that are allowed in this ad slot.
rewardedWhether the end user is incentivized to interact with the ad. Typically this would be for rewarded video ads in mobile environments. Only accepts the value true but can be included or excluded.
topframeWhether the ad is being served in the top browser frame (true).
video_apiList of API frameworks defined in OpenRTB 5.6. e.g. VPAID, MRAID, etc.
exchangeauction_typeThe type of auction as declared by the inventory source:
-1 - Unknown
1 - First Price
2 - Second Price
inventory_sourceTwo-or three-letter code for the inventory source (eg. "adx"=”Google AdX”)
geocountryValidated against ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
cityIDs based on MaxMind database which is based on Geonames. The IDs can be found in the Cities reference.
lat_long_listList of latitude and longitudes using the custom_list object. A value of -1 will match when no lat/long is available.
lat_long_presentWhether the user's latitude and longitude are present on the request. Note, this does not actually target the user's location, just filters impressions where the data is present. Only accepts the value true but can be included or excluded.
location_typeThe type of location data available, as specified in OpenRTB 2.5. 1 - GPS, 2 - IP, 3 - Registration
regionRegion in format <country_code>/<region_code> where country_code is ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 and regions are based on ISO_3166-2.
metroValidated against DMA table, based on Google's metro codes, which are similar to Nielsen DMAs
zip3 or more characters
zip_code_listList of zip codes to include or exclude
platformbandwidthValidates against connectiontype field defined in OpenRTB 5.18. Note, "WIFI" is a valid value.
browserBrowser name as a string.
browser_versionBrowser version to target, most typically to exclude. Most commonly, you will want to include a browser and exclude one or more browser_versions. If you exclude a browser, but include browser_versions, nothing will serve.
carrierList of mobile carriers by name.
device_typeDevice type as a string.
device_makeDevice make as a string.
device_modelDevice model as a string, including version number. Note OpenRTB keeps the model and the version as separate fields.
device_screen_sizeDevice screen size. Valid values are "S", "M", "L", "XL", and "NA"
operating_systemSpecific OS versions identified by strings such as Windows
operating_system_versionSpecific version of OSes such as Windows 7 or OSX 10.8 in the format <OS>/<Version>
userip_addressValidates a range of IP addresses in the format [<start>,<end>]
segmentSegments keys defined using segment object.
user_idBoolean indicating whether a user ID is present on the request. This does not target individual users. Only accepts the value true but can be included or excluded.
timetime_of_weekCount in minutes from Sunday at midnight (0) to Saturday at 11:59 (10079) in range format [<start>,<end>]. Calculation is against EST. See user_time_of_week below for relative time.
user_time_of_weekCount in minutes from Sunday at midnight (0) to Saturday at 11:59 (10079) in range format [<start>,<end>]. Calculation is against the user's timezone at the time the ad is served.

Note, when using user_time_of_week with pacing, the user_timezones field at theLine Item level must be utilized to assure paced delivery.
videocompanion_requiredIs a video companion ad required in order to serve. Only accepts the value true but can be included or excluded.
playback_methodCodes from 1-4 based on OpenRTB 6.6. Example 1= Auto-play with sound on.
player_sizeSmall, medium, or large.
start_delayCodes from -2 to 0 based on OpenRTB 6.9. Buzz does not support an exact offset in seconds.
video_placement_typeWhether the video is in-banner (0), in-stream (1), in-article (2), in-feed (3), or interstitial/slider/floating (4)

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